Chapter 23 - Link

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POV - Link

I woke up sometime during the night, and felt awful. Like my body was mad at me, hurting all over, especially my stomach growling away its discontent. And it took me a minute to figure out I was hungry, no scratch that, I was starving.

Scrambling to my feet, a bit wobbly at first, on sleepy feet, they obviously didn't get the memo that we were needed in the kitchen.

The house was quiet and dark. And I turned on the light switch as I went on, rounding the corner and entering the kitchen. Sniffing around a bit, not really smelling anything my stomach could handle this early. I open the fridge, looking for something to fill my acing belly, to bad I didn't eat dinner, a dinnerplate sounded god right about now. Skimming the content I notice a tupperware box labeled with my name.

Oh, Mino you are a wonderfull man! Inside was what I assumed was yeaterday's dinner all for me. I didn't even bother to heat it up as I stuffed my face with potatoes, beef, vegetables and some sort of creamy butter. Delicious. Licking the container clean my stomach felt much better.

Hoping I didn't overdo it and ate too fast, I rubed my belly, trying not to barf it all up again. But to my relief it stayed down, got to remember to eat slower. Cleaning up my mess my eyes caught the big clock on the wall, five am.

Well not much point in getting back to bed now. I decided to head on out to the garage, it was my usual go to place on my day off, well since the lock down that is. And I figured I could install the new mirrors i'd gotten for my bike.

The old ones had several scratch marks and the right one even had a missing piece of the mirror, so swapping them out would give my bike a nicer, cleaner look.

After a couple of hours the sun was shining through the garage door and wolves were heared all over the pack grounds. Some growling some laughing, slowly but steady waking up all around.

The new mirrors were finally mounted on the bike and was glowing, but the rest of the bike looked dirty in the morning glow so I went all in an cleaned the motorcycle from top to bottom.

When the bike was clean enough to lick, I sat down in front of it wrench in hand and wondered what else id fix on it today. But that was just it, I had been fixing this bad boy up for about three months now on my day off, and.... - it was all done now.

“Looks good” his brute voice startled me and I accidentally dropped the wrench. “Oh... sorry, didn't mean to startle you” he continued to mumble on ”I thought about coughing, I should have coughed, or maybe knocked, I should have.....”

“It's fine” I quickly say to the rambling idiot not bothering to turn around.

A moment of silence creeps between us, but I have nothing to say.

“Looks good” he says again.

“Yeah” I sigh “it does” I really was proud of my ducati, it looked good and I had done several modifications on it.

“Finally fixed the mirrors too, that's good. I think the right one had several blind spot”

“Jupp, I wasn't sure I bought the right size but they fit perfectly.”

We jammed on about the bike and I almost forgot we were fighting at the moment. It's so surreal how he can easily do that, make me forget all the bad things.

“I bet it runs smooth on the road now” Max says and brings me back to the present.

My eyes are pinned on the bike, and instead of answering him I pretend to be fissiling with the new mirror.

“Maybe you should try it” he says picking up my old mirror “Take a...” he takes a breath, before trowing the mirror in the binn and meeting my eyes. “I'm revoking the lock down” he says and I watch his adams apple bobbing in his throat “It's your day off, you should take it out for a spinn”

“What?” there must be a catch somewhere right?

“You're free to go” he looks down at his feet and crosses his arms.

“I'm free?” I question him “I can go anywhere?”

He nods his head still finding his shoes the most interesting item in the garage. But fuck it, I was going before the big goon would regret it. Maybe this was some sort of trick? Maybe he was only testing me.

I jumped for it, grabbing my helmet, planting my ass on my blue ball of steal and quickly turning the key. The ducati roared to life and pured like a kitten. My feet dragging onwards, making the bike roll gently out of the garage.

So far so good, no one pulling me off the bike and throwing the keys in the bushes. Looking back at Max I see his back as he turnes and slowly walks towards the door on the other side. Shoulders slump and dragging his feet a bit.

I bite my lip not really knowing if im going to regret this “Max!” I yell over the motor engine. He turnes by the sound of my voice. “You wanna come with?”

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