Chapter 46 - Max

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           The sun is setting just as I plant my feet back down onto mother earth again.

            Wolves weren't meant to fly, if we belonged in the sky we would have been given wings. But I am ever grateful for the flying metal box taking me one step closer to my dearest mate. My pack mates never lost focus and stayed calm the entire ride over. It helped me as I could narrow my senses towards Link, feeling the connection we had getting stronger as soon as my feet hit the earth. 

            He was so close and yet at the same time so far away. And it almost overwhelmed me.

            “Max” Alexander beamed beside me “Follow me” he ordered in a thick voice filled with pride. What a prick.

            I reluctantly followed and my pack was right behind me.

            The group from the airplane marched right behind us again, and i knew most of them from various packs from all over Wolfclan land. Looks like Alpha Alexander had done some serious recruiting work, and they all looked fit for battle with heavy armor, spiked collars going over their back's, which looked big on their human forms.

            And I was starting to wonder if this was a rescue mission or the start of a war.

            The plain behind us soon took of again as we followed the alpha into a metal building. My mind kept wandering to my mate and I felt something stir, he was upset. I had stopped in the door of the building and Kyle was right behind me guiding me to step aside and let the others through.

            -What's wrong?- he questioned through our mind link, looking casually around our new surroundings. 

            -He's upset- I mindlink Kyle back. -I need to go to him-

            -Easy- He lays a hand on my shoulder -It's good that you can sense him, that means he's not far away, but- he casually guides us towards the back where the wolves are gathering. -we are on unknown territory and I strongly suggest we hear out their plan and don't make any rash decisions- his hand gripped me tighter before releasing me.

            He was right, Alexander had gotten us this far, he must have a good strategic plan to get all of our wolves back home and we needed all the help we could get.

            “Gather around” Sabir quipped out standing in front of the crowd “Come closer, come closer” he commanded. And when he was done he quickly looked over to Alexander bowing his head in respect.

            Me and my pack mates stood to the left of the crowd, waiting for more information.

            When Alexander finally spoke up again it wasn't the information I wanted to hear.

            Apparently we had been flown further away from camp ground to not stir the humans suspicious that we where from the Wolfclan land. And it would take us three days to get to the camp grounds where supposedly hundreds of wolves where waiting to storm the prison our fellow wolves was being hold up.

            This pissed me off, and if it where up to me I would have landed the airplane right in the center of it. Why hide?
            My mate needs me, I can feel it.

            “Max” Kyle snaps me out off my midst and I turn towards him. “Here eat something” he offers me a meat slice and I automatically shove it into my mouth.

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