Chapter 8 - Max

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POV - Max

Was this a dream? It sure felt like one, like an unreal, surreal wonderful dream. My chest felt full, overloading with oxygen, I felt like I was on fire on the inside as new energy ripped through my veins like lava. No dream had ever made me feel like this.

Visions of Link beneath me felt right, just right. Seeing him on all fours bum in the air, gielding for me, wanting me, and yes in the mist of our mating he had practically screamed out his pleasure in rambling of words. Several Max, alpha, fuck me, of course and the occasionally daddy, which did weird things to my wolf. His shields had finally went down and I felt more connected with my beta than ever before.

It was raw, wild mating sex, like I never had before, and I wanted more.

The urge to bite him roamed over me like waves on a beach, I felt the strong tang of mating liquid in my mouth since he walked into the office. Something about the way he bowed his head a little crooked at first.

Watching him drift off into mating slumber, my dick still pumping my seed into his tight hole. I lick my bite right over his shoulder, cleaning away the blood, my saliva helping with the healing. Link twitching from the sensitivity of the bite, moaning underneath me. Switching to kissing him instead, over his perfect bite and up his ear. More moaning and incoherent mumbling words came from my mate.

Dragging my cock out, sperm dripping out I felt the need to stick my cock back in, but i needed to take care of him first, clean him, and make sure he got everything he needed.

Getting of my desk I rolled Link gently on his back, his body limp like a doll as I easily mold him up in my arms. My bite had surely done a number on him, he was knocked out, that bite must have been intense, and looking at the cum tainting his belly, chest and the desktop, I say feisty Link came twice.

Making my mate satisfied = Mission accomplished. Grinning like a mad man I carried my trophy into the bedroom and carefully down on my bed. Grabing a towel from the bathroom I gently whiped my man down and tossed it in the hamper before climbing in next to him.

I couldn't keep my hand's off him as they kept roaming all over his body. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I wanted him to kiss me back. And sleepy Link wasn't going to wake up, he needed at least two hours sleep after a mating bite, so that meant I would hafto wait until morning.

First thing the morning after I would kiss the hell out of him. Smiling I gently tangle our limbs together, kissing his temple, smelling him inn before slumbering blissfully into darkness.


I woke up the next day by a barking delta at my door hammering away.

“Max! Get your butt out off bed!”

I moaned and stuck my head further under my sheet. Spreading my hands out looking for him. Had he rolled off me during the night? Skimming my hand over the bed  I hit the cold wall with a thump. Confused I sat up scanning the bed.

“Max! Are you up yet?” the delta's hard fist kept hammering on the door.

“Yeah” I barked at him in hope he would bugg of with the hammering. My voice gruff and filled with sleep.

“Good! Morning Max!”his cherie voice muffled behind the door.

“Wheres Link?” I voiced out in confusion at the empty room.

“Its monday, his day off remember?” right, but..... sighing I swing my legs over the edge “I'll get you some coffee, be at your office in 10 min.”

“Yeah, coffee sounds good.” I mumble to the footsteps moving away from the door.

Why wasn't he here? I know it was his day off and he practically was a free wolf on his day off, but after last night I expected him to stay here, in bed with me, making out, maby even having sex again, like mates do.

So why wasn't he here?

-Link?- I try to mindlink him.


That could only mean two things, one that he was ignoring me, or two, that he was too far away to hear me.

And the options lay heavy in my stomach.

Something inside me told me not to use my dominant alpha voice at my mate. I wanted him here, near me, but to command him here felt off, felt to wrong.

Grabbing a pants and shirt of the flor I drag myself into the bathroom. If he wouldn't come to me I would have to go to him.

Two hours later my patience was getting thinner, I had been all over the pack grounds and no wiff or word from Link. The man was no where to be seen. Growling I stomped my feet into the pack garage. By now the other wolves scurried quicly off, no one wanted to mess with the slightly angry soon to be Alpha. And I had a slight dominant aura issue, it hit me in waves, and I could not control it.

Scanning the lot for Link's blue cereal toy, my worst thoughts were confirmed, his motorcycle was gone, and so was he.

It was a solid fact that Link was somewhat a wolf who easily got around. I mean he has a fuck buddy for crying out loud, and his day off he usually spent with a guy up at Red Stone pack.

My anger flared up inside me and I barged through the garage door. Making it blow off the hinges and fall flat on the flor beneath me feat. Growling I stomped myself up to my office, before I could storm out to the Red Stone pack and kill whomever he was with. That would surrely start a war.

The thought of another man on him made my chest constrict. Hadn't I satisfied him thoroughly? Hadn't he come twice? I mean to me it was the best sex I've ever had but I didn't really have anything like that to compare it to. Maybe to Link it was just alright? No I could not think like that. I needed to contain my anger.

But lava kept bubbling up and a beta sure as hell was getting a spanking when he came home. Boundaries needed to be made.

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