Chapter 24 - Max

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POV - Max

“You wanna come with?” his voice was a bit muffled under the bike engine but I heard him loud and clear. If I wanted to come with him, hell yeah”

“Yes” I say as I grab a helmet on the shelf and make my way towards him.

Sending out a quick mind link to Sam that I would be out of pack grounds and he would be taking over my duties today I quickly got on the back of the bike, leaving a small gap between us and hold on to the back of the cereal toy.

I have taken a couple of rides with him before and always enjoyed it, Link was a skilled driver and he drove the ducati with steady grip on the road.
Although I always sat closer to him and held around him for support I didn't think it would be okay with him, so for now I held my distance.

A couple of hours later and my arms was aching, so sore from hanging on to the back. I was relieved when he slowed down onto a dirt road.

But the relief was short-lived as I finally realized where he was heading. I've been here more times than I can count over the years, and its a friendly pack we have good ties with. Right after the guards at the gates spots us they stand and easily open the gate up for us.

Well Link must have been dropping by here every free monday, since the guards let him in that easy. We both wave at the guards and they greet us back as we enter onto the pack grounds.

I was thinking he make a right onto the visitors parking lot right outside the main house, but Link kept on going and parked outside a house next to a pick up truck.

Was this a mistake. Did he maybe want some alone time with his “friend” no, he said they were just friends, my wolf self got to stop. What was his name again, Jack was it?

Taking off our helmets. Link is not meeting my gaze and I get an aching feeling in my stomach. “So... “ I try to talk up some courage “is this were your friend lives, Jack was it?”

“Yes” he grins up at me, and the tension in my stomach eases a bit. “He is really nice, your gonna like him”

We take a couple of strides up the stairs to the door and he knocks.

I shove my hands in my pockets, while chanting on -Im not going to hit him, - im not going to hit him.

The door cracks open and I see a tall dominant man looking up at me. I dont like him. My hands comes quickly out of my pockets, so does my alpha aura, as the dominante male looks quickly down, trying his hardest not to buckle under.

A hard slap hits me in the stomach and I immediately let my dominant aura go.

The dominant male in the doorway, regains his composure. “Um... hi Link” he smiles at my mate and I try not to growl at him.

“Hey Gregg” Link greets the wolf as we step inside. Oh... so this is not his friend?

“I'm so glad your here Link, but ehm...” Gregg shuts the door and turnes to me looking almost apologetic.

“Don't worry, Max can control himself” Link looks stern at me. “Right Max!”

“Yes” I answer my mate. I needed to do this.

He smiles approvingly to me “Max you remember Gregg, you met at the barbeque earlier this spring” Oh right he did look a bit familiar, I nod my head. And if I remember correctly he was holding his arms tightly around a submissive male at the party, looking very much mated. “He is Jacks mate.” Link finish.

Well why didn't he tell me that in the first place? If I knew Jack was mated it would have given me a completely different picture.

“Oh..” I stand there looking a bit like a dumb wolf. “You are mated” I hear a baby crying in the distance and I turn my head towards the sound.

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