Chapter 32 - Max

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POV - Max

His teeth are slowly retracting back in as I gently lift him up and carry my mate to bed. Hopefully he would sleep at least two hours this time. I really tried only biting him before bed, that way he would sleep to the next day easy.

Link had twisted my wolf senses into a animalistic frenzy after the man. But I cant blame my wolf, I wanted to fulfill my mates need just as bad.

I pulled an extra blanket over Link, knowing he gets cold easily without me, no I wasn't leaving, but I couldn't neglect my duties, so work needed to be done. Pulling on a pair of pants I proceeded to plant my butt in the office chair.

Glancing back at my mate I can just glimpse the shape of a body underneath the covers on my bed. That would do for now, I would hold around him again when he woke up, but for the time being I didn't want to disturb him.

An hour into my work and I hear a solid knock at my door. Not thinking to much about it I yell out “Come in”

The door open up and my father entered through.

I glanced automatically back to my bed, to my mate, sleeping, just the way I left him an hour ago. My father never missed a beat and followed my gaze. 

But I knew he couldn't see him, just a shape. And I felt a bit disappointed about that.

“Hmm..” He hummed “I thought you running out of our meeting that abruptly, was mate related” crossing his arms an looking down at me. Making me feel smal. “But I must say I figured it was a bit more......necessary need, than this.” he practically spit out the words gesturing to my mate sleeping.

I had no trouble with his insults and down talk to me, but the moment he brought in my mate, my blood boiled and I had trouble sitting still.

“Fucking in the middle of the day, what were you thinking!” He growled the words at me. “Suppress you needs and contain your mate!”

Buzzing I stood up in a haste. The alpha aura rolled over me in waves, greater than ever before, I held it in check, close to me. But the look in his eyes was the most confusing, he was afraid.

I had frightened my own father. The man I looked up to growing up, the man who I tried over and over again to please, but never felt like I was enough.
The need to protect my mate went over all other and I found myself walking up and standing in between the door to my bedroom and my father.

Luckily the man wasn't stupid and knew he messed up taking this out on my mate. Backing a couple of steps he spoke again, his words more soft. “That was uncaled for, It was wrong of me to bring your mate into this.”

It was wrong of him. My protectiv instincts still was on edge so I stayed putt blocking him from the door to my mate.

“My point is I think this has gone on long enough, either pick this one or move on to the next.”

Growling at the alpha in front of me probably wasn't the best idea, but the words he used just didn't quite sit right with me. “Dont tell me what to do, when it comes to me and my mate you have nothing to say”

I felt him shrink a bit, and I notice I was taller than him, when did that happen?

“Okay” he simply says. “Relax Max, contain your anger”

“I am” I replied him in a heartbeat, and I was. When it came to protecting Link, me and my wolf was in perfect sync.

I watched him swallow, his Adam's apple dabbed in is throat, he looked on edge and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. He shook it off in an instant, took a deep breath and straighten up in a hurry in front of me.

Me and my father was nothing alike, never has been never will be. All my life my parents felt somewhat foreign to me. And I wonder if they felt it to.

“You look good son” His words was not expected. And I was  surprised to say the least.

The man didn't linger, it wasn't his type. Walking out he gracefully left just as abruptly as he had entered, closing the door behind him.

I felt so protective over my mate, like nothing I have ever experienced before. I felt it in my heart, felt it in my wolf. I'd do anything for Link, anything. I suddenly felt scared of losing him and turned in an instant towards my bedroom, towards my bed, now empty.

Almost running down the door I enter the bedroom.

I find him in the corner buttoning up his pants. “Where are you going?” He doesn't turn around to face me, and I sensed something was off.

Had he heard my conversation with father? It probably woke him up. Fuck, he needed to rest.

“I... Im just going to get some food” He stammers out a bit shaky, dagging on one of my t-shirts.

Well food was always good. “Okay” Glancing at his shirt I notice his wearing my -Bite me, please Daddy- shirt and I smile at my mate nodding towards it.

Link follows my lead looking down at the shirt he picked. Smiling he runs a hand over the printed letters over his stomach. “Is it okay I borrow this?”

“It doesn't fitt anymore, you can have it” I buffed out my chest and my ovn shirt ripped slightly over the biceps. “just order me a new one size mega large” I winked at him.

He huffed out walking towards me “More like beast size” he mumbled before sliding his hands around my body, laying his head on my chest and squeezing lightly. “Told you not to gow any more”

“Sorry” I chuckle holding around him, breathing him in. “Are you standing on your toes?”

“Shut up!” he punched me lightly in the stomach, moving away from me.

“Oh, wait a minute Link” I say to my mate striding quickly into my office. Emerging back in again envelope in hand to give him his long awaited pin. I must have had mine for about three months so I know he will be exited to finally get his own black pin from the test clinic.

Grinning I hand him the white envelope with Link Rain printet out in front along with the test clinics logo, Pure DNA research clinic. “Here, it finally arrived”

“Oh....” He says, taking the envelope in his hands.

“Aren't you going to open it?” I ask tentativ.

“I..Uhm...” He seemed lost in thought, gliding his thumb over the name on his envelope “Max I need to...” My mate started but were interrupted by my phone ringing in the office.

Ignoring it I took a step closer to my mate “You where saying?” the ringing continued buzzing through the walls. But that was just a phone call, I didn't want to answer it now.

Shaking his head, he was already halfway to the door “I just need some food Max, I'll see you later”

Yep, food, that's good. It's good he's getting some food in his system, and even though I wanted him by my side at all time, I couldn't follow him around everywhere.

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