Chapter 52 - Link

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POV - Link

“Are you okay?”

Max gave me a friendly pat on the back but his eyes looked worried.

I clenched my teeth together slightly annoyed at the over friendly beast.

“I am just as fine as I was when you asked me 10min ago Max!” I pant out leaping over a small root.

“Okay” he nods walking up beside me.

            We had been assigned morning jogging routes along with all the other wolves at the camp, an easy warm up for today's lessons. And we where now in the deep forest following along a maze of trail. The others where long gone probably miles ahead of us, and I didn't mind that one bit, I was taking my time, half jogging half walking and enjoying the different forest scents.
            But the man beside me was slightly being a buzzkill.

“Maybe we should walk now” he says before slowing down to a walk.

“Max, just stop!”

“Okay we can take a break!” he says throwing of his water bottle from his equipment-west and giving it to me “here drink some water, don't worry about the others we got plenty of time, I know a shortcut up ahead and we'll just say we got lost and...”

“No Max you need to stop!”  I command him harshly “I'm going in my own pace here, everything's fine and I have my own fucking water bottle, please just run along and catch up to the others.”

        My jogging pace was like a slight fast walk for Max, not ideal for a beast size wolf to warm up.

“I cant leave you here” he shook his head in worry again. “what if you get hurt or got lost somewhere?”

“We're on a mythical place nothing is going to happen” I sigh rolling my eyes at him “I'll mind-link you if there's a problem.” I promised gesturing to the path before us “Now go, please”

But the man didn't budge. Fucking stubborn alpha, he only shook his head looking down at me.

The forest had always been a calm place for wolves, our second home. But standing in the middle of it now I felt so disconnected from it all, like I couldn't breath, slowly suffocating me. And I just wanted to get away from it all.

“Just go, Max!” I tried again, hoping he would listen.

But no Max clearly intending to stay put. -“No I just cant leave you here, your a submissive I cant leave you behind” he barked out.

“Oh, well if that's your problem then I can just leave” I yelled at Max before taking of into the thick forest, hopefully aiming towards the campground.

I half expected him to follow, but luckily I didn't sense anyone behind me. I was to annoyed and angry to even deal with him right now. Why couldn't he just listen to me, I didn't need a babysitter for fuck sake!

Jogging through I picked up speed, letting my anger take over until I was a panting mess. The air seemed lighter and I soon found myself back on a trail. Feeling lighter already I smiled as I gently jogged down the path.

See I could do this. I didn't need him. He was just so, so alpha wolf sometimes.

I better stop for a breather soon and stretching my legs, I hadn't taken a run like that in ages I should take it slow. And just as I was about to pain erupted across my stomach.

I grimaced clutching my stomach, half hunching over.

Rubbing my belly trying to ease the pain, taking a couple of deep breaths and slowly the pain eased to a low thump.

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