Chapter 35 - Link

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POV - Link

“Remember!” A voice echoed in my head. My vision blurry and unfocused.

“Remember your age!” The woman in front of me sounded serious, and a familiar smell of lilies warped its way into my nostrils. I know her. “eight, your eight years!”

Her long brown hair curled down her face, she looked so sad. Why does she look so sad? My vision became more hazzy and I realize it's raining. Her vords became muffled out as she hugged me for the last time and I watched her vanish into the woods again.

I woke up in a haste, sweat nibbling down my spine. The blanket coiling inbetween my legs, making me feel trapped. It was hard to breath and I climbed off Max and out of the bed. Dizzy and panting I stumble into the bathroom.

Oh... please dont throw up again! I silently prayed, holding onto my bubbling stomach. Breathing heavily I tried swallowing down the food trying to ascend. Taking shallow breaths through my nose and calming down.

Luckily the nausea subsided and I decided to take a shower to ease my tense body.

These dreams are really taking their toll on me, body and mind. Shaking them off gets tougher and tougher, as if they weigh me down, my past.

I have always wondered where I come from, where I belong. All I have are bits and pieces here and there, the smell of metal, rust and dust. The smells have a way of bringing in more bits and pieces, but they all vanish just as abrupt.

And the why, of course, is a troubling factor to my memory. Why did she leave me? Because that was what she did in the end, abandon me in the foreign woods. Leaving their child, now that's some messed up shit right there. But wanna hear the worst part of it, I cant even remember her. What was she like? Did she smile a lot? Did she tuck me in at night, told me there was no monsters under the bed? I cant.. I cant even remember her name.

I wish I knew her name.

I wish I knew where I belonged.

My memory was a dark bundle, no trees, no grass, no blue sky. And that's what I was most afraid of. That Ferrox somhow might be right. How would I know? How could anyone know if they where a half-ling?

They say we are decendence of the lycantrop, the gods of the moon. A great pack who ruled the nights on earth, strong giants with dark starynight skin and silver hair, they ruled over all the creatures of the night and even had the power to create life, and that is where our story begins.
The packs still worship them, but time has taken its tole, and the alpha camp is almost all that is left of the lycantrops. An ancient place almost forgotten in time, and strictly forbidden if your not an alpha in training.

Humans, on the other hand, is quite a different creature. And by the things ive been told we are nothing alike. Even tho we may look like them, its merley a camouflage, gifted by the moon gods, to protect us. Protect us from what? I dont know. Far as I know wolfshifters are on the top of the food chain, and I dont see how thats going to change any time soon.

I had this gnawing feeling inside me. An empty void of black mass, but it was something inside the black mass, something hidden.

Time does not erase all, it merely covers it.

Dragging my tired ass out of the shower I dry my curly locks, which is a bundle of crazy all on its own. Sighing I pull on a pair of jeans, button it up one at a time, but the last couple of buttons felt to tight and I had to suck in air to get them up. Strange, did I bring up the wrong pants? No it had the hole on the knee, and oil stain from the bike on the other one. But I hadn't wore it in a while.

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