Chapter 43 - Link

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POV - Link

Pain, a sly thumping pain from my stomach woke me up, giving me a much needed cold shower.

freezing steal underneath me felt foreign, but also familiar, like a bad dream haunting me.

Was this another dream?

Pain shot across my belly again and I had to move my acing body, which was not unhappy whit me lying on my stomach against the cold floor.

Darkness stole my colors, but I could see the other wolves surrounding me, and I could hear them breathing heavily next to me, buzzing through my ears. My wolf senses blowing up in my head to its new surroundings. But worst of all the smell, like metallic thang stuck on my tongue, making me nausea.

Clutching my ice cold stomach I gently rub it, trying to warm up my cold skin.

The floor seamed to be moving giving me and my wolf a query feeling and my stomach seamed to not liking this one bit.

“Oh, good your up” a small whisper came from my left. “we where a bit worried there for a minute”

I turned toward a small figure. Testing the smell of him I sniffed the air slowly, something I indeed regretted doing as the metallic rust slowly creped into my nostrils almost making me gag.

Coughing a bit the small figure leaned forward, toughing my shoulder. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”

Afraid to throw up I simply shake my head at the friendly wolf.

“Here” he hands me a bottle “it’s water” he says carefully.

I gladly take it and take small sip’s as I survey the place.

The water helps a bit with the foul taste in my mouth, but my stomach still seamed unpleased.

“Sorry I haven’t gotten any food” he says sheepishly “Oh, I’m Mattie by the way.” he grinned.

I nod, half smiling back. Its the best I can do. “Link” I mumble covering my mouth, afraid of throwing up.

“Good” The boy nods “its okay, you should rest, here lay down” He patts the cold floor whit his fingertips. “It’s better to sleep of the seasickness, we will be on land shortly”

Wait, seasickness? Are we on a freaking boat?

Panicking I get up in a haste, we cant be on a boat, there’s no way. Taking a step forward my right leg felt heavy, and looking down I notice a shinny bracelet coiling tightly around my ankle. Several hushed voices simmered through the room. “sit down!” “shhhhit!” “what’s he doing?” filtered through the hush air.

A hand dragged me down in a haste, and I was face to face with a bearded man “sit, or we all get in trouble” he whispered harshly at me.

“Please don’t Phil” Mattie whimpered “He just woke up, he didn’t know”

“That’s ’s no excuse to putt us all in danger!” Phil rutted out, turning in a haste and laying back down on the floor.

“Okay, okay, okay” the boy chanted, holding his hands over his face. “We need to be quiet, we need to be still, don’t make a sound and stay down or else they will come.”

Taking away his hands from his covered face I asked him almost not wanting to know, but needing an answer “Who are they?”

“Humans” he whispered, his eyes wide and I knew he was speaking the truth.

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