Chapter 22 - Max

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POV - Max

When your heart breaks it tells you something great is lost.
Your mind is always running before you have even put on your sneakers, and will be onto something new before the finish line emerges in you vision. But your heart is another story, it will only feel the heat of the race 50yards inn and will beat faster and faster, even after the race is over your heart will race on.

Your heart breaks because it still thinks it's in the race.

The day my heart broke was the day Link left me. Some people stay in your mind forever, some in your heart. Link has always been in my heart.

I knew I was losing him, but in the same time I didn't know. Does this make any sense? I know I shouldn't have opened the box. I would not have given it to him, but I could just have discreetly hidden it away, or burned it. Why didn't I just burn it.

But I didn't.

I guess I felt he betrayed me. But I know I betrayed him when I opened the pacage. Its a fucking vicious circle. Like a snake coiling around, how did our love turn into a snake?

I felt like i didn't know anything anymore.

When he screamed my heart shattered again and again.

I couldn't be in this house with him any more, I felt like I was suffocating, unable to breathe. All my wolf wanted was to run to him, but I was afraid that would only scare him more off. He was already going to leave or he gestured to it, another job opportunity, of course another pack was interested in him he was Link, a wonderful, kind, beautiful, dominante male, who wouldn't want him?

Walking outside the air is completely without oxygen as my breating still staggers forward. Somehow making my way to my chilhood home.

Knocking gently, I soon hear small footsteps before the door open revealing my pettit mother in her sportswear, long sleek pink tights with a matching pink tank top.

“Max” she exclaimed bending her neck and looking up at me “what's wrong? Are you crying? Come in, come in.” she hurries, her questions coming out in a tumble.

Ducking my head I take a step inside my childhood home as she closes the door behind me. “What happened Max? Are you hurt?” and I see her eyes scanning my body.

Shakking my head I swallow down the bubble in my throat. “He broke up with me” my voice cracked and my eyes tried desperately to blink away tears.

“Oh max!” she takes a step towards me and wraps her small arms around my body. “It's going to be okay, son” she cooed while rubbing my back. Something she has never done before but is what I needed in that moment as I silently sob into her shoulder.

After a couple of minutes she release me and grab a firm hold of my hand, leading me to her room of zen.

I really dont feel like taking deep breaths sitting on a pillow, closing my eyes and imagine im in some sort of peace place, but yeah, maybe it will help.

Heart still broken.
But the tears stopped and my breathing even out.

“Im sorry for what happened at dinner mother” I look down threading my fingers through the fuzzy pillow pon pon's, feeling so out of place.

“Oh....Its okay, son” She say taking a deep breath while continuing with some sort of yoga, I guess? “I talked about it with your father, and we both think its due to your rapid growth spurt.”

“You talked with father about this?”

“Of course, and as a consequence of your growth in size, your alpha powers are growing in an unusual rate.”  She stands and walks over to the small table by the window. “Which is why we think you need to train yourself better, we dont want any accidents like the one at Clay pack a couple of years ago, when the soon to be alpha killed one of their own.” I remembered that, it was horrible, but I also remember it was an accident tho the young alpha was involved. “We dont need any bad reputation to your fathers pack.”

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