Chapter 40 - Max

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POV - Max

I woke up alone again, and I didn’t like the feeling.

            Today a couple of neighborhood packs would be coming over, it was a great opportunity for us to strengthen our bonds with the wolf community and it was always a new opportunity for our pack members to find their mates in the midst.

            Our pack was greatly outnumbered by dominant's and my father had been nagging me about our low submissive numbers for months. And this was a problem. A pack needed to grow in order to survive, and our youngling numbers was far to low.

            We do our best, and try to transfer most mates to our pack, but submissives are usually harder to get to transfer, the packs hold onto them with their teeth and claws. In some cases we succeeded and in some we loose, that’s just how it is.

            Sometimes we also bring in transfers from other packs without being mated, if they are displeased with where they are, some had a bad break up or just wanting another opportunity. In fact father told me about a brother and a sister coming in tomorrow, a submissive and a dominant transferring which is not often, and a bit strange, but good for us if they decide to stay, which my father assured me they would.

            Not a whiff or a sound from my mate all day long and my wolf was getting worried. We needed to find him and hug him to us, keep him safe.

            Wandering around the pack grounds I find him near a food table his plate empty and dark shadows beneath his eyes.

            Walking up and standing beside him I ached to hug him, but I had a feeling he would shove me away, telling me I was to clingy or something.

            “You didn’t wake me up” I says looking sideways at him.

            He sighed and didn’t look at me

            “Somethings wrong, what’s wrong?” I questioned turning to face him.

            Rolling his eyes at me he sticks a fork in the green goo, but grimace and leaves the fork there.

            There were rows and rows of food, but he didn’t seem interested in eating, had he been eating anything today? I hated how tired he looked, maybe I should suggest he lays down a bit, maybe take a little nap. He always seems better after some sleep.

            “Hey Max” a tall brunet called at me, bumping inn between us and started shoveling the green mass onto her already full plate. She continued talking but my eyes was fixated on my mate and his needs.

            “Hey” I mumbled to the wolf now standing in my way and moved so I was in front of Link again. “You know you can just wake me up if you..... uhm if it is anything, or you need anything” I said to him, wanting to hug the wolf so bad.

            Shaking his head he hugged the empty plate to his chest and continued skimming down the table.

            He started walking away and I didn’t follow, afraid I push him more away, but I cant get rid of the nagging felling that I might loose him soon.

            Sighing I drag my hands across my face feeling useless. Why cant he just talk to me?

            “Max” Sam’s voice behind me makes me turn around in an instant “Max I just wanted to say I’m sorry, I didn’t know, please....” he started but I growled at him getting right up in his face.

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