Chapter 13 - Link

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POV - Link

I was on my way up to patrol and stopped by the main pack house. Figured Mino's test result would be in and I hoped the doctor had found out what caused the rash. All though I was betting my money on rolling in weed.

I knocked and dr Lin opened up with his doctor bag ready in hand. “Oh.. Link, do you need something? I was just on my way out, Thor in the hunting formation rammed his legg in between a tree and a rock, they suspect its broken.”

“Oh, its fine, I can come back later.” I say closing the door behind him.

“Well if its Mino's test result, I have them ready” He says to me as he walks towards the front door almost going straight into Max “Oh, hey Max” Dr Lin exclaimes walking past him “Come back this afternoon with him and we will talk about it, yes” He says closing the door behind him leaving me alone with an angry looking Max.

I couldn't contemplate more about it before his father walked into the hall and luckily dragged him into his office. Why was he always this mad lately?


Luckily Thor's leg wasn't broken, and with a couple of days rest he was back on his feet. Mino on the other hand was another story.

“Im allergic to nuts?” Mino exclaimed to the doctor in front of us “But I love nuts” he silently sobbed.

I stifled a laugh and tried my best to soothe him “You could make dishes without nuts, your Caesar salad for example doesn't really need dose hazlnuts.”

He goshed like I smacked him.

“I mean, however you make it it tastes just as good, and hey, it could be a litle challenge for you to make your favorite chicken casserole without chestnut sause.”

He scoffed “A challenge, please”  he quipped “it will be just as good with a cream fresh sause, or maybe the lemmon sause I wanted to try out.” He kept rambling about some lemmon garden herbs before getting up and walking towards the exit, obviously eager to try his new recipes.

“Thanks dr. Lin”  I politely shake his hand

“Of course Link, and good of you to bring him in.”

I nod and head on home, I needed to make sure the big angry alpha got his report on time.

I enter Max's office, my work sheet in hand. I skimmed through the report of the landslide befor handing it over to Max, luckily no new reports of unstable grounds in the north part of our land but it usually took several months of testing to see if the crust kept itself stable.

“Report on the landslide ” I lay the worksheet on top of his small pile on the desk next to his computer. “It looks stable for now” I say as I turn on my heel to head for the door.

“Wait Link” he says before I have a chance to exit.

I reluctantly turn but make no attempt in walking closer to him-

“I...” He starts standing up a bit awkward “Um...” he walks around the desk and leans onto one of the chairs in front. “I...I'm clean”

I look at him stupidly, and he must have picked up on my confusion because he slowly continues.

“After I slept with Sarah, from Grey pack that night. I got tested for sexualytransfered diseases and i'm clean.”

Oh that's what he meant “Oh God I hadn't even thought about that.”

“Oh... I asumed you got tested when you tested Mino”

“No I... Wait what do you mean when I tested Mino, he is sixteen years old he does not have a sex life.” I barely had a sex life, hell I even only had a sex. What was this man getting at?

“Which is all the more reasons for you to stay away from him, do I have to remind you of the impact of the bite mark? It takes three months you know.”

What he thought I was courting Mino, seriously? Did he think so little of me “Belive it or not but im not trying to get into every mans pants” this man kept bugging me the wrong way “I had Mino tested for allergies, he had a bad rash over his upper body, apparently he's allergic to nuts. So your food plate will from now on contain no nuts.” I shouldn't be explaining myself like this “I bet you happy about that.” I muttered under my breath.

“ he alright?... I think Kim has a..”

I cut him off holding my hand up “Yeah I know, Mino already got the rash ointment from Kim.” this man was so far off, how could he think this about me? “I know it last three months, and even if you think so little of me I wont cheat on you, I just wouldn't do that.”

“Thank you, and I'm sorry I'm such a...”he gestured to himself “ -a wolf”

I nod, and was about to turn when he asks again “So just for the record your clean aswell?”

Fair question “Um... yeah..” I answered a bit unsure of what to say.

“You taken a test?”

“Not exactly.” I state and now he looks at me confused. Well I guess I could just tell him. No harm would come of being honest. “Your my first” I looks even more confused “I havent been with annyone but you, so I guess  since your clean, im clean to. But I can take a test If you want me to?”

“But..." He starts looking like his solving a complex math problem in his head. “What about all the guys you've been with, Woodie and what's his name..... Jack.”

“First of all Jack is a friend, gay guys can have friend without benefits you know. You and I are friends....” I end short as I realise what I said “not my best argument” I sigh.

“No wait....what about Woodie?”

“Oh... um funny thing” I start, knowing I'm digging myself a hole right here. “Woodie is actually my bed” confusion is written all over his face and the perfect spot for me to dig my grave is the x-spot right her “Well more specifically the right leg off my bed”

His mouth drops open. “What, How....?”

“Well I wrap a towel around and.... um... “ I let my words die out as it slowly dawned on me im ten feat underground. Funny since I'm actually on the second floor, gonna be awkward getting downstairs.

Max is clearly stunned still leaning on the chair, gaping and staring at me like ive grown two heads, must look into alien abduction, might be something in there.

“I should have gone along with the testing” I say more to myself than to Max. “I'll go test myself.” I say as I exit the room, not really sure if I was fleeing from Max or myself.

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