Chapter 50 - Link

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POV - Link

His scent was the first thing that hit me, calming me down. And safe was what I felt in his arms.

Then the light hit, and my vision spiraled.
      Terrified of loosing him again I kept holding on, locking my arms and legs securely around his body. I felt an immense ringing in my ears and suddenly it all stopped.

“Link, are you alright?”
Max whispered in my ear but I was to afraid to answer.

I felt I couldn't breath, like I had forgotten how to take in the oxygen surrounding us.

He sounded angry now.

Well of course he was angry with me, what did I expect?

My whole body felt out of sorts, trembling all over, and it was as if my lungs didn't work properly.

“Link! Are you hurt?”

Am I hurt? Wait did we just die? Is this what it feels like?

-Are we dead?-
I mind-linked Max.

“No, no, we are alive, open your eyes Link!”
Max commanded and I actually thought they already were, but looking back up at him the light switched into colors and I could finally see him before me again.
“Hey” he smiled stroking my cheek “Deep breaths now”

I did as he said, the oxygen felt like fire in my lungs but slowly it got better and better. My body kept trembling, I wasn't sure if I was cold or hurt anymore.

“Are you hurt? Do you feel pain anywhere?”
I didn't think so. I grimaced trying to stop the shaking.
“Is the baby okay?”

-Yeah the baby is fine, have been kicking my insides apart ever since you arrived. Wait a minute!-  “You know?” I croaked out, my voice feeling like a old lady. How did he know? I barely knew! “Why didn't you tell me!” I breathed out a bit annoyed at the man in front of me.

He smiled down at me “I don't think that's the way it works”

“You are shaking Link, are you sure your not in pain?” Max kept scanning over my body, probably checking for injuries. “I didn't think this would affect you like this, I have heard of beta's joining their alpha, and there never was a problem”
Max kept talking and the breathing didn't hurt as much anymore.

I was laying down, the ground feeling soft like grass. “Were not.” I started but had to take a deep breath before speaking again “on the train?”

“No, we are not on the train anymore” he shook his head “If it hurts to speak, please just use the mind-link”

I nodded, I did hurt a bit but I felt it was getting better, like an old muscle needing to be tweaked.

Max gently lifted me up in his arms “You feel cold, and you need to eat, I know of a place nearby”

-What? -
I questioned feeling like I was in a daze of some sort.

“Its a pond, and its got warm water it might help with the trembling. And it's surrounded by fruit trees, you need to eat”

-Wait? What? Where the fuck are we Max?-

He grinned down at me “So feisty”

Rolling my eyes at him I mind-linked him again – don't make me use my voice-

“Alpha camp” he blurted in a hurry.

-This is alpha camp? Where are all the alphas? And the uhm... camp?-
I questioned trying to lift my head up to look around. But I didn't see anything but the green forest.

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