Chapter 45 - Link

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POV - Link

Moving in a slow queue line, I sigh mentally, not quite ready for this day.

After sleeping poorly all night my body and mind felt worn out, my skin felt cold and clammy. The news Maddie had sprung on me last night had caught me of guard and I felt like I was having an out of body experience.

We were near the end and I realized I hadn't grabbed a breakfast plate yet. Everything looked and smelled awful, but I really needed to eat something if not for me than at least for the baby. There wasn't much food choices, but I grabbed a plated with some bread on thinking I could stuff it in my pockets if I didn't eat it all.

After the little information we had gotten in this place I knew meals were served twice a day breakfast and dinner. Now even I know that a wolf needs much more nutrition and meals a day to keep up their strength, but I guess they know it two and they want us weak.

During the day we would be forced to work for the humans. I hadn't received any information on where I would be working but I had a hunch that it was going to be a bad day.

“Hey” Maddie whispered as he sat down next to me on the bench.

“Hey” I smiled relieved to see a friendly face. He didn't smile back and I swallowed my own smile, “What’s wrong?” I questioned.

“I'm so sorry, but...” he swallowed looking briefly around to see if anyone was listening. But everyone was minding their own business, casually talking among themselves. “...I had trouble switching your work.” he sighed taking a piece of his bread before continuing. “Now this wouldn't have been an issue if you were in the container house 10 like me, but since your in the high-end” Maddie sighed almost rolling his eyes. “I cant get you in the kitchen duties just yet, we need to demote you or something.”

“What?” I barked out a bit to loud and quickly disguised it with a cough and shoved some bread into my mouth. It tasted sour and I rinsed it away with some water. “I don't want to be demoted!”

“Well” he gave me a pointed look towards my stomach “I'm afraid you don't have a saying in the matter”.

Swallowing down another piece of bread, the dry crust slowly sliding down my throat. Right the baby, like I somehow could forget about that part. “What exactly is my job today?”

“It’s some sort of lumber work out in the forest”

“What that sound great” I grin, working in the forest I could do that. Fresh air, surrounded by trees, sounds better than staying here, where do I sign up?

“What!” he looked horrid at me. “No you cant!” he quipped looking rather angry at me. “First of your as pale as a fish, no way you can do any kind of work today, let alone stand on your feet all day long. And secondly, most importantly lets not forget about a big bump in the road or so to speak.” he sighed his voice going lower “You can hurt it if you work to hard”

“What? How... why I....” I felt lost for words, started to panic and I felt even more tired. I didn't even think about that, no heavy lifting, no heavy work, no stress, eat at least five times a day and keep your feet elevated, wasn't that the usual day of someone pregnant? To bad we weren't exactly in a friendly place.

“Calm down Lu” Maddie started stroking my back, but quickly stopped. “Deep breaths.” I did as he said, trying to calm myself down again. My clammy hand carefully rubbing my belly. “Here take some ham.” He glided the piece over to my plate and I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't want any so I chugged it down with some water instead.

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