Chapter 47 - Link

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POV - Link
(Part 1)

            My night was filled with dreams of Max and I didn't want to wake up, not yet. I wanted to stay in bed with Max forever. Why had I left him? My reason for leaving was so insignificant now that I think about it. A dominant beta? Me? More like a child with a tantrum. Is it so important for me to be a dominant?

            I sigh rolling to the side clutching my thin sheet. My chest was aching and a bit wet, looking down, my t-shirt was sticking to my chest. I'm leaking now? Grabbing the wet fabric I pulled it up to my nose to sniff it, the scent felt sweet and a bit familiar. Tossing it of me in a hurry I grabbed the sweater that hung at the end of the bed and dragged it on. It felt a little tight around my belly, but it was all I got.

            Most of the other wolves was still in bed, but slowly started to stretch their limbs as I continued dragging on my pants. Bending over to collect my socks and shoes I soon found myself dizzy all of a sudden. Grabbing the bed for support I gently sat down closing my eyes trying to breathe steady.

            My stomach felt alive, small taps from the inside and I drag my hand across to see if I can fell it. My neighbor on the bunk bed next to me suddenly sat up and I hastily dragged my hand away. I really needed to get out of here.

            Still on my bed I drag on my socks. Sliding my feet over the bed I shoved them into the shoe's. My head was starting to feel clearer and I again attempted bending down to tie my laces, dizziness again clouded my vision and I lay flat down onto my bed again. My body felt tired and weak, to weak to even tie my own shoe laces.

            Trying to breath slowly I tried calming myself down, its no big deal its just a shoelace, its just stupid shoes. Tears were forming in the crock of my eyes and I blinked rapidly to keep them at bay, but all I could think of is that I wished Max was here.

            “Hey” a soft voice filtered through, and I open my eyes towards Bo. “Are you ready?”

            “I cant tie my shoe’s ” I whispered hastily drying my tears. Bo was here, it would be okay now, I wasn’t alone, I tried calming myself down. Sitting up half clutching my stomach I felt more pregnant than ever.

            “It's okay” he gently smiles hunching his tall frame down to tie my shoelaces for me.

“It took me a while to learn it to, but the bunny ears helped me” he continued grabbing two sets of looped shoelaces and tying them together. He did the same on the other shoe and smiled up at me before it was replaced with a frown. “I misunderstood didn't I?”

            “Thank you Bo, and I actually didn't know the bunny ears version” I answered in all honestly.

            He smiled and got back up on his feat again. “Lets get you some breakfast, you look pale”

            “Yes food sound good.” I grabbed his outstretched arm to stabilize myself as I got up from bed. Most of the wolves were already outside, only a couple still lingering in their beds. One was still snoring away in the corner and a couple more where getting dressed chatting away about their work loads.

        By the door was a broad tall man standing still, his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his once handsome face. I recognized him from Wolfclan land but I had trouble placing him in a pack. He grunted as we passed him, seaming unfriendly to say the least.

            Bo seamed unfazed “What?” he asked the brute man slightly annoyed. Now I knew Bo as a quiet boy that almost never spoke to anyone, and he suddenly quips back to this one?

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