Chapter 26 - Max

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POV - Max

My cock deep inside him, still trembling in the aftershock I let it rest there, not wanting to pull out, not wanting to pull out ever. Feeling my sperm dripping out and down my balls I knew I'd filled him up good.

Dragging out my teeth from his neck I gently lick him clean, healing the new mark.

"We didn't even take our cloths off" I hear him mumble inn my ear and I instinctively look down at our bodies . Jupp still clothes on.

His body goes limp, arms falling down to the desk and I know my venom is taking a hold. Fear suddenly strikes me and I try to wake him up again "Link!" I yell at him.
But nothing.

Pulling my energy forward I try again with more force this time "LINK!"

His eyes slowly open and I quickly tell him what I need "Wake me up tomorrow!" He smiles and mumbles something incoherent before drifting off again. Oh, please remember to wake me up before you leave.

Hoisting my mate up in my arms like a doll I easily carry him to my bedroom. My cock still deep inside him I find myself not wanting to pull out. Laying us together down in bed I start to undress us both, draging off his cumsoacked pj bottoms which is now tossed on the floor somewhere.

Curling up naked with him felt so surreal after so long. Kissing his bitemark he moaned underneath me. This time, I thought to myself, would be better.

And better had nothing on him as I slowly woke up the next day by soft murmuring moans. My eyes still closed and my senses numb this early I feel some sort of weight on top of me.

Hands keep touching my body, and I feel so good I hear myself moan out in pleasure. The weight on top of me keept shifting, and my dick feels so wet and hard.

Coming more to my senses I open my eyes to see Link, on top of me, riding my cock.

My mind has not yet woken up, but my body sure has as my dick happily plunges deep inside Link. Who seemes to be in deeply concentration with closed eyes biting his lip, holding one arm on my chest and the other on my thigh behind him, as if to steady the cock riding.

His eyes slowly open and he looks a bit surprised before grinning wickedly at me "Good morning" he says not stopping his pace one bit.

Well that's a fucking great morning if you ask me. I smile back at him before looking down at our joined hips, mesmerized at how well we fit together. His cock is glissening wet and bobbing up and down with him.

He stills for a bit, sliding my cock down to the base. "I can.." he starts swallowing a bit "I can... Um... I can turn around if it helps."

"What?" I ask totally confused

"So you dont have to look at it" he looks down at his hard dick and then back at me "I can turn around so you can pretend i'm a girl"

"What?" I almost yell out in shock.

"Well I... I...I know your straight.... so..." He stuttered forward clearly uncomfortable and I had to stop him and his messed up brain.

"Link" I say sitting up so we are face to face while I hold around him "I've pumped my seed into you twice I think its safe to say im 200 percent gay for you."

He looks at me questioningly "so you don't want me to turn around..?"

"No, I want to watch you" I say laying my head down again getting a pretty good view actually.

"Does that mean I get to jerk myself off in front of you?" he asks, raising his eyebrow.

"No" I say with ease, and his face fell. "That would be my job" and I hear him gasp as I sneak my hand over his hard limb and gently start to glide up and down his shaft.

His so entranced with my hand he sits frozen on top of my cock watching my hand draging small beads of wet pre cum up and down his split. He moanes and panths as I jerk him off. I'm loving every minute of his total adoration of my hand, of me.

"Max!" he shouts several times as a warning before spraying down my chest with his cum. His intoxicating scent everywhere. The need to come inside him is to strong for me to handle as I easily lift him up with my alpha strength and proceed to slam him into the wall on top of my bed.

Still In an orgasme daze I dont know how my mate feels about me plunging deep inside him craving an release of my own. But knowing my horny mate I knew I'd could perhaps get him ready for me again.

Diving in deep I found his mark purely by scent and gave it a little kiss, wanting to see his reaction.

"Wow...." he jerked his shoulder almost hitting me. "What....what was that!"

"That was my bite mark" I grinned to him, knowing I hit a sweet spot "did you like it"

"Fuck yeah.... do it again" he sighed tilting his head to the side and exposing more of his neck for me.

Not all mates enjoyed the impact of the bite mark, the sensitivity was too intense for some, but lucky for me Link really liked getting off twice in a row. So I started licking and sucking that mating mark until it was redder than a strawberry.

Link was practically begging for me to pounce him through the wall at some point, and by the amount of fluid dripping from his cock it's almost unbelievable he didn't come yet.

Pinning up one of his legs I hit him deep inside with my cock and felt him tremble from the impact, and I knew he would fall apart soon. My teeth was already out as I plunged my shaft into him as well as my venom.

The boy spasms in my gripped and I felt him shoot warm cum inbetween us. My own sperm filled him up as my hips jerked by themselves.

He was out before my teeth had a chance to extract themselves. But it was expected from coming twice and everything.

Pulling my dick out, my sperm drippled out of him. And an imense surge of taking care of my mate pumped through my veins. I lay him gently down in the bed again before grabing a towel in the bedside table and gently start to clean him.

I stayed clear of the biting mark, it probably was way too sensitive right now and I didn't want to disturb his sleep, he needed at least two hours rest where his body took up all my venom making Link strong and healthy. Not that his dominant wolf needed it that much. It was mostly for submissives since their genes had a lack of vitamins and nutrients, making them more vulnerable to viruses and diseases.

Pulling the covers over him and tucking him in I gently kissed his lips before dressing myself. It wasn't often I was this early up and I planned getting some work done before my mate woke up again.

Planting my ass in the office chair, I glanced back towards my bed again, which I could see clearly through the open door. Not that he was going anywhere soon, but it did ease my wolf. Knowing he was close enough to see, just if he needed something, anything, I would be right here.

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