Chapter 9 - Link

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POV - Link

I slowly came to my senses and felt warm and tingly all over. My bedroom usually felt cold, lonely and silent, but this time I could hear someone breathing next to me. And as I now just realise someone really was right next to me, I mean like glued to me, an arm over there and a leg under there.

I had dreams like this before but they usually disappear all to quicly, this dream seems to be staying put.

Yesterday suddenly dawned on me and I yanked my eyes open, nope this definitely wasn't a dream and I am wide awake now.

I was in Max's bedroom, in Max's bed more specifically I was butt naked I Max's bed. Holly shit this really happen? Well due to the situasjon I was currently inn I say It fucking did happen.

Wiggling carefully out of our tangle I slipped silently out off Max's arms and out of the bed. Max was a heavy sleeper but I watched my step and carefully walked out of the room inn a hurry before the beast awakened. Figuring the straight alpha might not be in the best mood once he realizes what my horny self had gotten us into.

Yes I know Max was a willing participant yesterday, but that doesn't mean in the light of the day he will totally freak out and blame the gay one. One really shouldn't offer a piece of juicy steake to a hungry wolf. Wait did I just call myself a piece of meat?

Well I for one actually felt really god about myself. I felt like my body was glowing like a small easter tan. I had tossed on one of Max's black jeans pants on my way out, and was now heading to my bedroom for a t-shirt.

I bounced down the stairs and ran into Casey who was on her way into the kitchen.

"Heyyy" She drawled out walking past me.

"Hey yourself" I grinned at her.

As she passed me she stopped mid trak and stared at me like I just had grown two heads. What was up with that?

She looked past me up the stairs as if looking for something.

"Um.. " I started a bit unsure. Maybe she was wondering what I was doing on the second flor when my bedroom was on the first, well I was almost always in Max's office so I didn't quite see the problem, but I figure a little lie might be best here. "I was just finishing up some last details for inventory."

"Right yeah, paperwork what a bite.... I mean bitch..... paperworks a bitch" She awkwardly stand frozen to the spot.

"Um.. yeah" I laugh about her word jumble "I'll take a wild guess and say that your hungry?"

Her composure softens again "Yes I am" she says and starts to walk into the kitchen "you coming?"

"No I'm going out" I grinn back at her and turn towards my bedroom.

I gab a t-shirt and my bike keys and I was ready.

My bike was no were near a harley, Max always called it a cereal toy. But I loved my blu ducati, it was the only thing that was truly mine in this pack.

Today was my day off, every pack member gets a day off their duties to do as they please. Most wolf likes to go for a run, hike or like me visit another pack. And my go to pack wasn't exactly blood relatives, no I didn't have any of those, but what I did have was friends.

I've met Jack a couple of years ago in a friendly pack gathering. And we emidiatly became friends. The Red Stone pack was about two hours ride, and I didn't mind one bit the long drive riding on my blue ball of steel.

The guard at the Red Stone pack gate easily let me in. I've been coming here almost once in a week so they all knew me by now.

I slide my bike near a big truck and park it before entering into the house. It may seem quiet from the outside, but I now knew better. The inside was always a battle zone of claws, biting and worst of all tiny lego pieces.

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