Chapter 36 - Max

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POV - Max

            Rushing into my office, my hard boner rubbing achingly hard against my jeans. But there was no time for that. I needed to please my mate.

            And what I had instal for him, would make that wolf hungry for more.

            Taking a seat in the office chair I grab a hold of the cold coffee cup on my desk and slurp it down in one go. Trying to get rid of the liquid thang of venom in my throat. My teeth itching to get out, but I would contain the beast within.

            As much as I wanted him to suck me off, my wolf and I had some serious trouble keeping our teeth inside our mouth. Every fiber in my body screamed for me to ram my dick inside his deliciously wet hole, and claim him again and again, but I needed to contain myself.

            I only tried biting him before bed, since he had trouble resting up after mating. It was only for the best that we contained our amazing sex-adventure before bed, so Link would sleep a solid seven hours after.

            And this time I would not bite him until he bit me first. This would hopefully make his wolf go crazy and plunge his teeth into my neck, hopefully.

            I didn’t know why he was so exceptionally good at controlling his venomous bites, perhaps because he had a more submissive role in bed? But even when he came just now in the meat house there where no indication that his teeth was enlarge or even any venom.

And I have venom taste in my mouth just by him looking at me funny.

            Grabbing the small key, I unlock the bottom drawer.

            Twisting the key to the right and pull it out, the brown box lay just where I put it a couple of weeks ago. Trust me when I say, I would never have imagined me doing anything remotely like this. These plastic sex toys or whatever they are called were so foreign to me I had to google several items in the box, just to know what they where used for, or where they where used, for that matter. And there was one item that had been deeply alluring.

            Pulling out the purple item I placed it on the desk along with the lube before closing the drawer again.

            This would surely get him over the edge and sink his venomous teeth in me, this would make him claim me.

            Steps were heard on the stairs, and I listened as his bare feet found their way over to my office door before stopping. He hesitated for a minute, and I wonder why he doesn’t barge in like he always do.

            The anticipation driving me nuts, I was still hard and panting a bit.

            -Get your butt in here now! Link!-  I commanded through the mind link

            He entered in a rush, closing the door behind him with a loud bang his eyes wide in what must have been surprise, but also a little scared

            “Come here” I beckon more gentler this time.

            It helped and he slowly made his way over to me, holding my gaze the entire time.

            Rounding the desk I eagerly grab a hold of him and place him down onto my lap. His intoxicating smell making my dick feel even more strained in my jeans. His t-shirt was a bit small and hugged his belly tightly, it’s good he is gaining some weight, he needs that.

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