Chapter 44 - Max

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POV - Max

I roared from the top of my lounges and felt the earth shake beneath my four paws. An heavy cry for what seemed to be all my despair and agony.

I've lost him and I haven't got the faintest clue on where to search for him.

When I close my eyes I can see him standing before me just like yesterday, but when I open my eyes all I see is the empty vast ocean. Sighing I shake my furry head slumping down a bit, feeling the heavy weight on my shoulders.

-What do we do now?- Khloe carefully asked through our mind link.

We where all in still in our wolf forms. Some still trying to catch their breath after the heavy run across the land. I wasn't ready to shift yet, wanting my greater form to take charge. And my fellow pack mates was still scouting the land of what once was the Shellack pack grounds.

Their rich and blossoming land now all gone, as dirt and sand now laid as a heavy blanket, covering up what once was a patch of land, full of life. But not any more. Totally deserted.

What had happened here? I sensed no life here, and it didn't sit well in my soul. It felt wrong on so many levels, and I wished I could turn back the clock. My heart constricted, I felt pain. Pain and sorrow for the pack now lost, I hope they made it out alright.

I was about to shift when I felt something approaching us. My instincts on high alert I gave a quick message to my pack mates.

 -Someones comming- I stated in a hurry.

-Everyone behind me.-

My eyes narrowing inn on the small mountain top to the north. I heard them approaching, paws rumbling the earth, a pack. Most likely about 10 shifters by the smell of them. One by one they slowed down and came into view behind the treeline.

Three of their shifters broke formation and slowly descended the mountain hill. Approaching us with the upmost caution.

My pack stood calmly behind me, assessing the situation and ready for my command at any second.

I didn't know what to expect, and I know we needed to be careful. To much had happened the last couple of days, and uncertainty filled the air. But I sensed no ill intentions in these shifters approaching us, so I let them come closer, if anything they might give us some useful information about what had happened here.

They where still far away when one of them shifted.

I did the same, pending on communicating with the pack.

The shifter before me automatically took a few step back as I shifted in a haste, landing firmly back on earth with my two bare feet, giving out a loud bang echoing throughout the empty land surrounding us.

“Uhm... hi” the half terrified shifter squeaked out. Looking more pale. His scent somewhat familiar to me. Wait I knew this shifter.

“Aragon?” I questioned

“Uhm no, that's my brother” The shifter exclaimed looking a bit puzzled I knew the name “I'm...” he continued, but I cut him of.

Aragon only had one little brother “Strider” I said looking back over my shoulder, finding Khloe easily in the midst, giving her a small signal to shift.

Khloe was originally from the Lundra pack same as him. Strider might not recognize me since he was merely a kid last time I saw him, but Khloe he recognized as soon as she shifted.

“Oh Khloe!” he exclaimed grinning at her. The other two shifters behind him gave out equally loud barks, knowing here as well.”You guys are from Storm Pack!” Relief flooded his face and he finally got some color into his cheeks. “Come follow us, we will take you home, its safe there!” he voiced out shifting back in a hurry. Not giving us any options but to follow.

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