Chapter 31 - Link

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POV - Link

Waking up I took it slow, gently finishing my normal morning routine in Max bathroom. Today I was going to the fighting denn and practice with the younglings. There were five young wolves at Storm pack, age from 6 to 16, and today they were my responsibility.

Now all I needed to do was try not to faint or vomit so Max would let me leave the pack house. And to be honest I did feel a bit nauseous, but I blamed the breakfast, pickles dipped in ice cream really was a bad idea.

Swallowing down I crawl over to Max still asleep in bed.

“Max” I kiss his cheek as he stirs underneath me. “Wake up, i'm heading out”

His eyes shot up in an instant and he grabs a hold around my waist dragging me underneath him. “Your not going anywhere” His growly voice still heavy with sleep.

“Max” I sigh “We talked about this yesterday remember, I'll be practicing with the younglings today”

“No, stay here with me” He kissed a trail down to my mark and I almost lost it “We can stay in bed all day” he grinned, and I almost took him up on the tempting offer.

“What about your meeting with you father?” I ask, knowing he forgot.

“Shit!” He says, as I try to crawl away from underneath him. “Hey where are you going”

“I need to go before you make me cum inn my pants Max” he grinns holding me tighter, and wiggles himself between my legs, making it impossible for me to escape.

“I dont think that's possible” he laughs a little but quickly adds “is it?” his grip tighten and his eyes took on a devilish color, gleaming red around the edge.

“I'm already bone hard Max, dont tease me, just let me go” I begged.

He lifted his head to look at me “I'm not teasing” He sais before kissing me again down my neck “I'm testing” And a few soft kisses to my mark and i'm already a quiveling mess underneath him.

“Link” He says meeting my gaze again “I need to do something” his voice was hoarse “Please just let me, I think your going to like it” before I could answer he draged my shirt up, over my head and off.

My curly locks fell into my eyes and he gently brushed my hair to the side kissing my lips before going downwords, down my chin and over my adams aple.

I had no idea what to expect, all I knew is how horny I was, and how much I wanted to rub up against him. His scent was everywhere and I breathed him in like a maniac panting for more.

My mark left untoughed he continued further down to my chest, licking a trail down to my nipple, oh fuck that was sensitive. I scuirmed in his grip not knowing what to do with the new sensation my body felt, and that was just by min flicking his tounge at the nipple. He didn't hesitate and closed his whole mouth over it and started sucking.

Incoherent mumble soon escaped my mouth and I held onto his shoulder as pleasure and need rolled over me in waves.

Filled with need my body reacted on its own, rubbing myself onto the man above me. Giving me more room I grabbed a handful of Max hair, never wanting him to stop.

My breathing was erratic, borderline animalistic, growling out in need. And I rocked my hips up an down the hardsteel alpha in a frenzy.

His fingers started playing with my other nipple and I was done fore. The orgasm hit me fast and without a warning, feeling my body start to shake vigorously as ripples shot through me.

Numb body, I started coming to my senses again. Max was still sucking my nipple but had moved over to the other one. “Max” I moaned in the after shock, he let go of the nipple with a small pop, shock evident on his face.

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