Chapter 17 - Link

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POV - Link

About a week since the Lucas incident and thing are setling down. Luckily i've manage to talk Max out of killing the boy. But he is transferring to another pack, and I suspect Lucas is desperately to get away from the beast as well.

Finding out that my mate knew som delicate information about my body, had kept things quite interesting the last couple of days, ever since the shower incident. But to my defense I really didn't know how all of this worked, I had never been with a mate before. Sure there were some crash courses when we were younger but, that was mostley about what not to do, about the dominants possessivnes and what would make your mate angry and so on. Nothing in the wolf mating pamplet had said anything about jerking of.

And I know I was a horny boy, but more so after the bite, it was freaky like my wolf wanted me horny, wanted me to crawl into the alpha bedroom. And Max was on some sort of weirde God of dominance protein shake lately, building out his sexy frame like buldozer. The man ossed of raw meat, making my wolf hungry.

Nope, I needed to control this. It was all in the bite. Once the bite disappears the attraction will go with it im sure of that. It's been what? One and a half month already, almost two. I could do this.

Soon enough my dick would point another way and a big ass straight alpha would stop being so angry with me. He was like a pent up spring lately waiting to blow up.

Like the other day in the shower. I knew I crossed the line, he didn't need my gropy hands over his mating bite, it probably did weird things to his body, he wanted nothing of that. And when he told me next time he would spank me, fuck me I almost jumped him right there. He was trying to be stern, be an alpha, keeping his wolves in line. And I my mind had to go and make it about sex.

I've been trying to keep my hands of myself, not wanting him pounding down my door, but it's been hard, literally.

Running on all fours we head up to our neighbor pack the Firgo pack. They were having a gathering and invited us along. God friendship ties among neighberhod packs were always good and their new alpha Bolk was Max's cousin which helped the matter.

We shifted right on the outskirt of their home where a bunch of clothes had been laid out for us. I pull on a pair of shorts and grab a shirt out of the pile.

“I need that” Max say as he grabs the shirt out of my hands. Pussled I looked at him for some understanding. “Felix gets cold easily, he needs it more” he continues and throws it to Felix.

“Okay” Its a shirt not a blanket, and we're in the middle of summer. I'm about to grab another shirt when Max jerks me with him and I cant do nothing but to follow.

The food is good, the company is great as we all are scattered around in their backyard.

Some of the guys are playing ball others running around in their wolf forms. As I was talking with a couple of the Firgo pack members.

“Well, well I believe a congratulations is in order.” the man across from me says and lifts his glass up in a toast. What are we celebrating exactly? I thought this was just another get toghether. Or maybe it someone's birthday.

“Congratulations? “ I ask meeting his gaze.

“Yeah” he laughs “You've finally found a good one I hope” he nods at my shoulder and I automatically look down to see my biting mark. Oh, so that's why... my gaze went straight to my right where Max was playing ball. That little... well I guess he didn't want another incident, fair enough.

“Oh. no. no.” I say trying to diffuse the situation. “That didn't work out.”

“Oh” The man across from me looked so heartbroken, like he regretted bringing up the subject.

“Yeah” I fake sighed and added without remorse “small dick”

Bubbling laughter filled the table and I just went on clicking my lips. “Couldn't even see it. It was like being with a girl, nothing to play with.” the whole table where a rumbling mess.

Suddenly my chair was being takled to the ground and I with it. Faling with a slight "Uhmfh" as my asscheek hit the green grass beneath and a fumbling Max on top clinging himself to the ball.

He grasefully got off me and brushed casually air from his pants “Oh Hi Link!” he exclaimed turning to face me. “Oh i'm sorry, I didn't see you there.” Standing right before me his huge lump of form blocking the sun like a black hole “your just so small”

I scoffed at him. Knowing fully well he had heard my bantering about him.

“Let me make it up to you, come and play with me.”

“No im just gonna...” I try to state as I lift up my chair.

“Come on Link, please.”

I sigh, knowing fully well that Max rearly usues the word please. And I mean I love balls, I mean to play balls. Yeah that's what I meant. “Well then...” I drawl snatching the ball from Max “ I guess i'm skin”

Playing ball with the boys was a nice change, I felt like we where back to our old self again. Just us having fun, joking around. I liked it, and I didn't know how much ive missed his friendship these last couple of months.

Running back to our home Max stops me and gently shove my wolf form aside. Knowing he must have needed to speak to me on our own I let the others pass us and walk with the alpha a couple of strides of the path.

“What?” I ask him a bit annoyed after i've shifted.

He shifts as well and his bulky musle frame stands in front of me in all his might and glory. Eyes above eye level, eyes above eye level. I mentally chant trying not to gawk at the God before me. Its rude to stare right?

“What?” I ask again and cant keep my eyes from wondering down a bit. Ops. Well that definitely wasn't small and it was definitely happy looking today.

“I just thought you needed to see me naked again since you clearly didn't get a god enough look the last time.” he grines as the big arrogant cockhead he is and walks prowdly back towards the path. Showing of every muscle in his body as he strides of.

Even now laying in bed I could see his standing before me as bright as day. Every lickable patch of skin right down to his erect cock. I needed something to take of this intense burning after a man, and worst of all after my boss.

Positioning me in front off my laptop I do what I should have done two months ago. Finding myself a giant black plastic dildo. And some extra toys, might as well go for the free shipping limit and oh a purple butt plug.

Bag it and tag it.
-Your erotic toys will soon be on its way, shipped in a descreet box all the best love from erotic toys'r'us-


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