Chapter 28 - Max

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POV - Max

I finally got some food into my mate. And I can't believe how irresponsible he is, not taking care of himself. A growing wolf needs lots of nutritions this is basic knowledge, eat and sleep.

One things for sure, I was definitely going to see to that never got neglected ever again. Taking care of ones mate was our number one rule, and I take my duties seriously.

The reason for it did sting my heart a bit. I mean technically I didn't start round two in bed with Link, and the thought of that being a bad idea never actually crossed my mind. I've heard about it before of course, mates having trouble holding their hands of each other, and something about not biting your mate to often. But I never thought about the side effects it had.

Truth is, I've never had a mate willingly jump me like that. The man was horny that's for sure. Even today he probably tried getting in my pants 5 times already and it's not even lunch. His hints are small, but I see them, and I feel his hunger gnawing at my wolf, begging me to take him over the desk.

“Max, you there?” Link bumps my knee. My mind must have wandered off again.

“Huhmm” I hum, watching him stare at me “What where you saying”

“Just that we need someone to take over John's nightshift on friday, his going to his sister's wedding remember”

“Right, sorry must have dozed off”

“Tired?” He leans onto the desk in front of me, inspecting me.

“Nah, its fine” I smile up at him

“You sure?” he looks me up and down licking his lips befor adding “Cause I might be able to help with that”

Number 6

And I so want to play along and take him up on that offer but Dr. Lin's words were clear, only one bite in twelve hour. I needed to keep my hands off and teeth tucked away.

Swallowing down the venom already building, thanks to his devilish gaze, I proceed in trying to get some work done instead. Which felt unbearably hot today.

I aimlessly tap at my computer trying to get through the day “I'm good” I say and write John in for nightshift this friday.

“Oh, just let me do it”

“What?” I stare up at him I shock

“Here” He sighed and pushes my hands away from my laptop and proceeds to plant his tight ass on my lap.

And it hasn't gone unnoticed that his wearing his paint on jeans today, I can even believe these are allowed, and all I can think of is finger paint.

He starts typing on my computer and it takes me a second to realize he is doing my job and filling out the worksheets.

“What are you doing?” I ask in a daze, totally mesmerized on his butt.

“Just a sec” He continues before mumbling something incoherent

My hands are moving on their own and are now firmly placed where they belong, on him. He doesn't seem to mind and are typing away.

I dont know who started it, but when his hips started grinding on me I was gone. I dont even realize he stopped typing until he leaned back and dug his fingernails into the back of my head.

Shit. We needed to stop.

“Tell me you want this Max” He almost purred out.

Fuck, how much longer did we need to wait?

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