Chapter 4 - Max

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POV - Max

"We need to look more into the possibility of an arranged marriage." my father sat stone faced across from me and even at this subject he revealed no emotions, like he had no feelings, none towards me anyway.

I would never agree to this. He knew, and I had fought him for years about this. Luckily aranged marriage were some what died out between the wolfclans. So finding one pack willing to seal the deal or so to speak was not going to be anytime soon.

"Never" I stated flatly back at him.

I know the single mixer didn't go very well last night, or well, I had fun, talked to a bunch of wolves, and had a good time. And made sure all my wolves made it home safely, even a very drunk and angry beta. But my dad obviously wanted me to bring a girl home, yeah, father of the year everybody. He just didn't get how things worked, or how I worked for that matter. I talked to several of the girls even asked one out, tho I knew she was more interested in the blond girl at the bar. Meeting somebody in a single mixer that just wasn't for me, and that's okay right? I just wanted love to be easy, as easy as breathing, but I guess I have to find my oxygen first.

"I had a talk with the Helock pack and there might be some interest there." he continued as if I hadn't spoken.

"No," I stated firmy again. "and the Helock pack are known to be in the Red Ring Wolves, it would be sealing our deaths if we let them into our home."

The Helock pack were in a tight alliance with the Pitch Black Pack who 25years ago betrayed wolfclan land and started an unforgivable war against all packs on Wolfclan land, they were determined to unite the packs and go to war with humans.

They called themselves Red Ring Wolves, and succeeded to lure and trap several packs into joining, but luckily the majority of the alphas in the packs didn't bend that easily. It lies not in an alpahs genes to take orders and follow, something inn us beckons us to lead. Alphas are equals to each other we cannot rule over one another, and this is why no one has succeeded in taking over the Wolfclan land. Although many has attempted throughout the years, no one has come as far as the Red Ring Wolves.

"That was years ago, the Red Ring Wolves does not exist no more son, an arranged marrige would be...."

"No father!" I slammed my fist in the table in front of me. "I wil not live the rest of my life in an unloved marriage" this was unacceptable for me and I needed him to understand this, he just couldn't ask me to do this, it would never end well. "I refuse to live like you and mom."

His eyes went big, and I think it was the most reaction i've seen on him in a long time. He stood up from his office chair and turned his back at me staring out his window. "Get out" was all he said.

Somehow I think it would be better if he slapped me, his posture was ten times more terrifying. I did as he asked, curling a bit in shame. I shouldnt have gone there, but I needed him to understand that for me that was not anny life I could be happy in. was he even happy? Maybe not, all work consumed.

Closing the door to his office I hear a familiar voice in the nextdoor room.

His laugh bubbling through the door and I move towards the sound befor I can think much about it, just needing an escape.

Link is sitting on the countertop munching on a meatpice, laughing at Kyle.

Kyle is the storm packs battle tactics and lead fighting instructor, this bad ass man can take you down just by a simple move, and he is the tallest man in the pack besides my father. No one messed with Storm packs current beta, Kyle, except for a feisty Link.

Since they were both betas it was a god sign that they got along, but I knew Kyle felt strongly protective over him ever since Link came to storm pack as an orphan about 12 years ago. Kyle took him in, it must have been though since he lost his mate and unborn son in childbirth a year before.

"Max!" Kyle stod behind the stove pointing a spatula in my direction."Why arent you feding your pack members!" he bommed at me looking confident in a flower themed cooking apron on.

I took a deep breath crossed my armes and leaned onto the refrigerator next to Link. "We have plenty of food in our house"

"You better have" kyle says flipping his eggs over.

Pointing my elbow in Links side I eyed his bacon and nodded at it, hinting at him to give me a bite.

"No, it's mine, get your own."he whispered harshly to me. Jeez he's so selfish. That bastard.

I try to snatch it, but he moves out of my way.

"What's going on?" Kyle asks before turning to face us again.

"Nothing" we both say in unisom.

Kyle just snorts at us and turns his attention back to his food sizzling away in his frying pan.

Link takes a mocking bite of his bacon  right in front off my face, grinning like a kid. That had me going and we were soon wresling on the floor for the litle meat piece left.

"Boys, boys!" Kyle yelled trying to get our attention. "what are you ten years old again?"

Grinning I yanked Links hair and watch him groan in pain, he pinched my side trying to get me off him. "Come on boys, there's pleny of food here." I didnt care I wanted the piece Link had, and I was going to get it. Yeah I was a little bit competitive. And Link, he was Link, which made it more fun.

Twisting underneath me he got his leg free and flipped us over that little bitch. Growling I locked his head in a head lock and watched him squirm on top of me, I got him now, just got to hold him tight, dam he was a fiesty litle thing.

"Boys!" Kyle says in a firm tone pointing his spatula again "Remember the rules no bloodshed inside, take it out side!" he turnes back to the stove again to plate his food. "I heard about the fighting a couple of days ago, stupid hormonal boys" he mutters.

Link stilles in my grasp and I remove my arm from his throat. Shuffling his feet he gets up and gives me a hand. I grab it thinking were about to head outside when he gives me a crumpled up piece of bacon. Just like that?

I frown at him and nudge him with my shoulder, still wanting to go outside and play.

"Im sorry" he says

"Dont be" I say and swing my arm around his shoulder. "I like playing with you".

He snorts at me "offcourse you call it playing, well normal wolves call it a fight, remember blood were drawn" he sighs and leans into me.

"Ah Link no, then im supposed to apologise i'm the one who draw blood. Im sorry brother."

"No it was my fault, I didnt stop, and you had to, im sorry." he leans more into me and wraps his hands around me for a hug.

I really liked we were this close, he was my best friend and I could hug him whenever and it never felt weird or awkward, it felt comforting and safe, I snort, safe? And alpha felt safe, where did that come from.

"Here" I broke the bacon in two, and fed him a piece. His tongue sliding softly over my thumb, making my hand a bit tingly. "I just wanted a litle bite" I say as I munch on my bacon, loving the salty flavor in my mouth.

"Ahhh....." Kyle exclaimed beside us "Now get the fuck out of her!" he shouts scooping up some eggs on his fork and starts shufling it into his mouth. Clearly hating company while he eats.

I snor at him and lead my beta out with me.

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