Chapter 58 - Link

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POV - Link

            My eyes scanning his fur intently, combing through every soft hair on my baby. There must be one small patch of me in here somewhere. He did come out of me, this wasn’t fair at all I should at least get one paw or even a little toe.

            Flipping him carefully over I gently bent his back foot up needing to link him to me somehow.

            The baby started complaining as it lost sight of the food plate that is my chest, and mister alpha himself comes to the rescue, and turns accusingly towards me.

            “What are you doing?”

            “Just checking” I hum still inspecting the foot.

            “For what?” The beast comes closer looking a bit worried down at us.

            “Just checking that he doesn’t have a wooden leg that’s all” I sing song putting the baby’s foot back down again.

            Max snort, a big fat smile on his handsome face “Mate, that baby looks exactly like me, his mine and there’s no question about it.”

            “I know” I sigh defeated “There’s no me in him at all”

            Max sits down next to me and gently tugs me to him “He is 50% me and 50% you, don’t worry the fur may even change when he grows older” Yeah to a darker tone not lighter... I snort at his attempt to make me feel better
            “Well... either way...” He drags out the words stroking the baby’s fur “We got like nine more attempts, one of them are bound to look more like you than me”

            I grin up at my mate. Now that was a promise, right?..

            Well, it is in my book at least.

            “Any change outside?” I question leaning into him as he holds me tightly.

            “No... Its weird...” He says sighing looking around our little confined space which we had been in for about two days. Well, me and the baby have slept most of the time, labor was definitely not a walk in the park. But after our well rested sleep I was feeling great, better that in a long time actually. And that may have something to do with the little lump sleeping in my arms.

            “I've never seen fog like this before” Max continues eying the door suspiciously. ”Not that I can remember anyway...” he trailed of seeming lost in his thoughts.

            The fog was like a thick white veil hindering our way out of here. Well, I was mostly the one stopping Max from stepping out and into the fog, I just didn’t want him to get lost out there... what if he didn’t find his way back to us... I didn’t want that. I wanted him here with us, me and my selfishness.

            I don’t even know how I ended up in this mess. Alright maybe lets not lie to ourselves, we know why we are here, we know what started it, one little lie.

            “Max...” I try to master up the courage to tell him, I needed to, not for me, but for him. “I need to tell you something.... I did something bad.”

            He turns to me, his face warm and full of love “What?”

            I am going to ruin this aren’t I. Just like I ruin everything else. I take a deep breath, sighing, and not really knowing where to start “You have to understand I was in a really bad state, probably a bit deluded and a whole lot of stubborn, you know me” I try to laugh but it comes out like a desperate cry instead.

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