Chapter 15 - Link

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POV - Link

“So....”Lucas drawles out making small annoying circles on my arm. “-there is a rumor going around that a big huk of meat is of the market.” Jesus Christ what was this, the beginning story of the three little pigs?

Lucas has always been a clingy man, and since he was three years older than me it just gave out a weird vibe. I mean, I wouldn't mind a man rubbing himself all over me, but Lucas looked like a scrawny 17year old boy who had too much chai tea. Not my cup of tea.

And I actually told him a couple of times that I was not interested, but as always he just shrugged it off.

“Mhmm” I hummed at him unentartained and casually moving my arm away from him. We where sitting in the living room around a dining table. Eating a late meal and a couple of the wolves from the nextdoor house had joined us, and that was why Lucas was now in my house, and to my dismay right next to me.

“Yeah ssss...” he quipped and leaned his upper body against my arm. “-apparently someone has been whipped” he sang going an octave too high. “Yes yes and...” he paused for dramatic effekt whipping his hair back over his shoulder. “... I was told it was a double bite, an unite bite, hmmm... a bite bite.”

What was this kid rambling about? I leaned away from him, not really knowing why, just needing some distance.

I caught Max stare at us from the couch a few strides away, or more specifically throwing daggers of steel at Lucas.

But Lucas did not sense the big alphas stare and continued with his groping hands. -Oh I hope he doesn't try to grip my ass like last time.

“So.. big fella is the rumor true?” he mouths out big fella and it sends chills down my spine.

A little fat lie might do me good here, and I hoped Max would not eat me alive for this. “Yeah... its true.” I state dead serious at the leech “I'm taken” hoping he will back off me.

He let's out a loud gasp and looks at me horrid “No your not!”

“I am,  I swear, I'm already bitten.” well my words had some sort of truth in them.

He scoffs not believing me “Show me”


“Show me the mark, your so called love mark”

I had it with this idiot, take a hint cupcake seriously, just take no for a no, dont try to push your way through the barrier.

I get up from my seat and try to get away from his probing hands when soft cold hands grab my elbow. “Oh.. baby boii dont be mad” baby boii? I definitely wasn't his baby boii. “so give me some juice... “ He sings besides me still gripping my arm. “Who I need to beat up hu we can do the limbo” he puffed his lips up making his appearance ridiculous.

Seriously I didn't speak this boys lingo, and we most definitely wasn't going to do the limbo, didn't even have a hard stick for that.

From the corner of my eyes I see Max getting up from his seat and if I'm not mistaken heading straight towards us. “Um... I need to go” is all I say as I try to pry his bony fingers away from my arm.

“Well if you wont play, maybe your mate will” Lucas says his voice toneless as he shifts his grip and squeeze me pointingly right ower my mating bite.

A giant roare filed the room and I watch Lucas face go from olive skin to ghostly white. Tampering with another mate's bite was an abomination in the wolfpack community. Why this fucker thought it was a good idea is beyond me. Even if my mate had been an omega, and Lucas could somehow protect himself, tampering with the bite of another was frown upon and highly discouraged. But given that my bite mark belonged to the strongest man in the pack, Lucas was seriously screwed.

Before I could blink Max was already half a wolf sending his claw through the air giving Lucas a lush red scratch mark over his chest.

But before the alpha could do more damage I showed Lucas forcefully behind me. I know what Lucas did was unspeacebol, but of him dying this way was wrong.

“Stoooooop” I growled at Max trying to break him out of his wolf trance. He was still half human so I knew I needed to snapp him out of it fast if I was to have a chance at saving Lucas.

His dominant aura sendt waves of powersurges all around us, and I clawed my fingers in his shirt to keep from caving. “He touched my mark!” Max growly voice still did weird things to my body and I had to clench my teeth together from moaning.

I needed to stand my gound, Lucas was still behind me on the floor, sensing the delta behind me I screamed for him to get him out of here. I didn't dare take my eyes of the beast in front of me.

“Max, calm down!” I roared at him.

“He touched my bite mark” Max kept rabbling on not easing the tension one bitt. “Mine, MINE” He growled. And I understood the big wolf completely, I didn't like being touched by another man there and I knew Lucas had made a big mistake. But biting his head off would only make the matters worse right now.

“Max” I roared back at him, clinging to his shirt as he continued trashing his dominant alpha aura around us.

Lucas was hopefully been dragged out of the house by now, far away from the angry beast trying to shred him to pieces.

“Please” I weakley begged as the alpha pushed us both further back.

Mine, Mine” The alpha chanted backing me up against the wall. “Your mine

“I'm yours. Please stop Max” I panthed out through my quivering limbs.

Slowly he eased down and I melted from exhaustion into his arms, as we sloped down onto the floor.

Afther a couple of minutes I could finally catch my breath again. We were still slumped into eachother in a puddle on the flor. His head heavy in the nape of my neck just above my bite mark. House empty.

Well that was a couple of insane minutes. But I felt I needed to create more distance between us an the idiot kid. Moaning I dragged us into a somewhat standing position and started showing Max backwards towards the garden.

The alpha made a few pour attempt at growling at me, clearly not wanting to leave the building. “Yes yes, your a still a big tough alpha” I tried my best not to role my eyes at him.

He huffed and puffed up his muscles making him look even bigger and tougher.

I did what no gay man would ever do in this situation, stifled a moan and tried to mentaly sing the -Hickory Dickory Dock- children song backwards as I push him further into the forrest.

Shifting to our wolf forms was like a unreal dream. My body still were worn out, but as we dug our paws in the dirt and felt the leafs brush past us as I lept forward my wolf form vibrated with renewed energy.

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