Chapter 16 - Max

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POV - Max

Father had hassled me big time about attacking a fellow pack member. Bugging me stongly over needing my beta to control myself. If he only knew the real reason. Luckily after telling my father the story of Lucas groping hands on my mate the big alpha chief had soon enough turned his anger towards the real criminal here. Tho an execusion where prohibited on wolfclan land we all agreed he would be better of in another pack.

“I'll make the arrangements son, this kind of behaviour is unacceptable in our pack” My father buffed out looming over me. “How's your mate?”

“He's alright” I think. Well we're still not talking. Things were kind of strange afther the whole Lucas incident. Or stranger. He keep mostly in his room the past few days, not really talking to anyone, looking more and more tired.

I just wanted to hug him all the time, but I kept my hands off, and my teeth tucked away.

It feelt so good running with him next to me the day he dragged me out to the forest. I just wanted to mark the whole house in my scent and most of all Link. But he continued to push me out and my wolf followed.

My black wolf were happy to take over and run with his beta, his mate. And it looks like his wolf seemed more at ease in the forest as well. Brushing up against me. I wanted to lick that mate bite of his so bad. Lick away Lucas scent, but my wolf seemed content with Link rubbing my scent over the bite instead.

After running on four paws for a while he seemed to get a bit tired slowing our pace down to a stop. And I wouldn't complain, my body was acking after that power surge my body had half an hour ago. I guided him behind a fallen tree where we found a small pach of green grass.

Laying down he easily followed my lead, and soon he fell into a deep sleep, head on my wolf chest. He must have been exhausted, he closed his eyes for a second and where out, softly snoring away.

Betas didn't have the same intense dominant aura the alpha posessed, but they where known to be able to tap into their alphas aura if it were needed. The better the bond between alpha and beta the grater the aura between them would be.

Usually the betas would be able to tap into the alphas power after the alpha camp, where the alpha where at its strongest. But I wondered if Link had somehow taped into the aura, was that why he could stop me? I definitely would have killed Lucas if he hadn't stopped me. Maybe it was just the mate bite. Mates where after all known to calm down a wolf.

“Maybe make an appointment with dr Lin for him” My father's voice brought me back to life again.

“What?” I say still a bit groggy.

“For your mate, have him checked out. Mates are very protective over their mating bites, it goes both ways, he must feel terrible.”

“Oh right, yeah maybe” So that's why he kept himself locked away lately. “Never had a problem like this with the girls I dated before.” I said in all honesty.

“Well then stop hiding him!” my father exclaimed a bit annoyed with me “If everybody knew he belonged to you there wouldn't be a problem would it.” I hate how true that was.

Even though most of our house wolves knew by now, and probably some of the wolves nearby. I could take a wild guess and say no one really knew what was going on between me and my beta. Wolves rarely gossiped, no one really cared who you shared a bed with in wolf world, the only thing mattered was finding your own mate.

“Stop bothering him, he will tell eventualy” Kyle exclaims handing my father the inventory list for next month. “We are on budget for now, but could maybe stock up on some more tools for the harvest festivity its only in two months.”

“Uhm.. yeah sounds good” My father said looking over the sheet.

We were in our usual weekly meeting and I was releved when Kyle changed the topic.  I knew they all wondered who it was but, I needed him beside me, ready, and in this with me before telling them. And I had no idea how they react, i'm somehow sure I get my face punched in by Kyle tho.

Suddenly blood rushed down south and I felt my body temperature rise a couple of degrees. A boner was not exactly something I craved at a formal meeting. My thought whent directly to Link, that little horny bastard. Trying to even my breathing, willing my body to calm down, yes this had happened numerous of unappropriated situations, I could easily control my wolf like I had done before. I did not need to run around pack grounds to find him and satisfy his needs.

Link usually didn't keep at it for loong. Wonder where he is? His bedroom maybe? 

I shift a bit uncomfortable in the chair. Luckily the other two dont notice, to preoccupied talking about preparations for the fall and upcoming winter season.

More heat erupted like blazing hot lava and I feel my blood boil, what the fuck was that? It never been that intense before. What was he doing? My wolf felt no alarm only need so he most likely was alone. Maybe he touched his bite mark?

-Link-  I mindlink him, trying to keep cool.

No response

-Link stop touching the mark!- I shouted at him through the mind-conection, feeling my cock leaking precum. If he kept this up I would probably come untouched.

– What? Im not.... im not doing anything - A breathless Link finally answered back.

I know your toughing yourself, stop!-

– No just showering and my hand unintentionally toughed it – he mumbled, still a bit breathless.

My blood still boiled. I knew he was still jerking off.

I can still feel you toughing youself – I said in a low gruff.

– What? What do you mean you know? Im not toughing the bitemark -

– My wolf and my body senses your need -

– What? Are you serious? You know when im jerking of? -

– Yes, so stop toughing yourself, i'm in a meeting for fuck sake!-

– You fucking perv!-

– Im not the horny one!-

– You know what!-

– What?

– Enjoy your meeting!- he exclaimed a bit to cherfull before silence greets me.

Im thinking that's nice of him, but my thoughts of a nice beta went out the window when lava starts boiling down to my crotch filling up my already steel hard rod. My balls pricled heavy with cum. That fucking hothead was jerking of and overly touching his mark, leaving me breathless and leaking.

Im up from my chair and barge out of the office screaming not so pretty words at my mate as I hunt down a wolf.

Ten minutes later i'm practically half wolf, pounding down the door to the showers. It crashes to bits as I storm through it searching out my mate.

I find him in the last stall, soaping himself in, happy smile on his face. The scent of cum lay heavy in the air, his dick swelling down, and his bite mark is pink and glowing.

“Meetings over?” he grins at me.

Fucking dick head. “Careful” I hoarsely say as I crowd him in the small shower cubic, which makes his smile falter a bit. “you try that shit again, i'll spank you!” A warning where indeed needed. This wolf is going way over my boundries.

I remove myself before I would do anything to him now, it would never have ended well. I was to wired, in dire need to fulfill my own need. Scurrying up to my bathroom I enter the shower, not bothering to take my cloths of. Just needing to cum before my shaft exploded. I was hot and acking, in pain from the pants constraction. Oppening my pants zipper I whent at my dick in full force, grunting and breathing like a mad man chasing liquid gold.

I still had the mental picture of Link butt naked in the shower soaping himself in, and it only took me a couple of minutes before a mind blowing orgasm hit me. Waves of cum squirting from my cock as I jerked my way through the bliss.

When I was done I undressed and took a real shower. long and warm, just what I needed.

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