Chapter 53 - Max

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POV - Max

“Link is your mate!” Legolas stated the obvious.

I nodded unhappy at the trainer that wouldn't allow me to bring Link with me into his office.

I'd left my mate with the others, seemingly happy, and he needed to eat anyways, but it pained me to be away from him, and especially in this place now.

“And you brought him through the portal?” Legolas seemed confused sitting down in his chair. His two other trainers standing behind him.

Well that's pretty obvious I snort crossing my arms wanting this conversation to end. All we needed now was for these fuckers to show us the way out and we would gladly leave.

“They are both an abomination and shouldn't be here! Take them to the forest and forbid them to enter our grounds!” Malic growled out towards Legolas, clearly still upset I broke his necklace.

I growl out to the wolf, he shouldn't bring my mate into this.

“Easy, easy!” Legolas tread carefully in the tense room.
        He turned towards Malic and his voice rang of dominance towards the other wolf trainer “Go and wait outside Malic” it was clear that Legolas was in charge probably without his own necklace that hung around his neck.

Malic only bowed slightly before leaving abruptly.

Legolas turned towards the last trainer but his face where much softer and he merely nodded towards the wolf who understood it perfectly and gracefully went out the door Malic had stormed out of.

“Are you married?” Legolas continued where he left of.

“Not yet”

“But his pregnant?”

“Yes” I stated before asking “Can I leave now?” I really needed to get back home to ensure my pack was okay.

“Not yet, I know it pains you to be away from your mate, but I need to know how you brought your mate into this place, we need to prevent it from happening again!”

“I don't know!” I stated getting more frustrated by the seconds “I held onto my mate and called for it and then we landed in the forest by the pond. My mate was a bit shaken, but he wasn't in the best shape from the start.” I sighed thinking how fragile he looked when I saw him on the train.

“You called for it? The light? What do you mean you called for it?” Legolas looked at me confused.

“Well I blocked it a few times” Well It was a lot of times, but that doesn't matter I shook my head needing this to be over.

“Your not suppose to do that, I've never heard of one being able to block it before”

“Well I was busy!” I growled out to the wolf.
        “Now, I just need to get out of here, just show me where to get back home”

He shakes his head in disbelief, but I didn't care if he believed me or not.
        “I already told you we don't control the light. It will come to the alpha when they are ready”

No this cant be it, there has to be a way “Then how are we suppose to get back home?”

“Finish your training and don't pick fights with your teachers, we are here to help you succeed.”

“Your training methods are unethical, I will not let my mate be a test subject to your trainers sick game of torture.”

“Our training methods have helped alpha and beta wolves for decades, it is not our fault that you lied and corrupted the system by bringing your mate. This should have been declared the first day, we would never have placed Link in that situation had we known he was your mate and not your beta.”

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