Chapter 5 - Link

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POV - Link

"Did you hear the news about Zack?"

We satt in the kitchen eating an early breakfast. Casey and I were usually the first ones up in the morning, I survived well on little sleep and hated sleeping in, and well Casey was just on a different clock than the rest of us.

"What?" I say after swallowing down a spoonful of cereal.

"He barely got out of his room yesterday" her eyes where filled with sympathy "he got his pin in the mail. And it wasnt exactly what he had hoped for."

"What?" I say haistily giving the girl my full attention.

"Apparently he got a black pin"

"What!" I say again louder.

"Are you broken or something?" she asks a bit irritated.

"What?" I say again completely confused.

"Bitch say what one more time." she says inn a sassy tone lifting up her knife as well as her eyebrow.

I got up from my chair before she could stab me down. Partly because I was done with breakfast but mostly I needed to talk to Zack.

Zack was the packs computer geek, and run all our internal alarm system around the territory. Yes the Wolfclan land was mostly a safe zone, but that didn't mean shady things never happened. Just last month the Iron pack had gotten a break in and lost a good amount of technology, computers, ipads, iphones. They suspect an insider had helped them, it usually went down like that, usually when somehone wanted to join another pack.

But Zack's alarm system were up and running at our place giving us quite the upper hand. Given that Zack is like a wizard at computers, I cant help but think he had a finger in turning his chip black. And I needed him to do the same for me.

His house was about 5 min walk from ours, but knowing the kid right he would be in his office in the main house, checking that the system didn't have any glitches during the night. So I steered my course and aimed for him.

"Hey kiddo" I aim for cheerful at the cotton ball behind a big tv screen.

"You know im 5 years older than you right" he stated a bit sad. He had on a white fluffy onepiece which I highly think he had slept in. "you cant call me that"

"Alright fluffy bunny" I grinned at him crossing my arms and leaning into the doorframe.

He huffs at me, clearly not seeing the humor in his outfit today. "I'm not in the mood Link, Why are you here?"

Alright let's just cut to the chase, I closed the door behind me and in a couple of strides, stood nexto his desk leaning around his big ass tv screen "How did you trick the system into giving you a black chip"

"What?" He looked at me confused.

I really didn't think I could be any more clearer but he might need to know I was on his side "Just tell me, its fine I wont tell anyone"

"I dont know what you think but I didn't hack their system." He averted his gaze, was he lying?

"The clinic must have had some tricky security, but I also know you and your expertise Zack, you cant fool me."

"Tricky security, are you kidding me" he started to get a bit rhilled "they probably have ten firewalls not to mention numerous passwords just to get a foot inside their cooling system. Getting into their restricted computer system with delicate patient information is impossible. And you think I would..." he huffed out an humorless laugh. "change my chip to a black one?"

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