Chapter 48 - Link

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POV - Link

            “Merry Christmas?” Maddie asked in confusion “We're kind of far away from Christmas don't you think?”

            We we're back on the bus, going further into the human lands. Further away from our home. I didn't want to put them in danger, but then again I was grateful to have friends by my side.

            “It's not about Christmas, it was about the....uhm” I whispered carefully to him. It was just us on the bus, and of course the bus driver. But better thread carefully you never know who's listening. “the present” I stated, not really sure he got it.

            All I know is that Apox didn't tell any of the humans about me being pregnant. And I got a feeling I really should try to hide it for as long as I could, but this wasn't some little pack of gum I could easily hide in my back pocket neither.

            The other humans were driving in sleek black SUV cars one in the front of the bus and one behind us. I felt more trapped out here than back at the prison.
            And all around us was an endless cloud of dust and sand. This land felt dry and to hot, where was the green beautiful land and all the waterfalls we saw in the movies. Nothing but emptiness, no life, like it had all been sucked out, leaving everything to dust.

            Inching closer to Maddie I laid my head on his shoulder and he stroke my curly locks. “Its going to be okay” he said trying to comfort me “No matter what, we stay together” We all huddled up together, and it helped. It didn't feel quite so hopeless no more. Not quite so alone no more.

            After what seemed like an eternity, but probably wasn't more than a couple of hours the bus stopped outside an huge brick wall, about 20feet tall. Looking ahead I see the first SUV getting stopped by the gate guard. What would the odds be if he simply told them they no longer required submissive wolves here at the clinic and they would just let us go?

            Probably very slim as the bus was again back in motion turning the wheels straight into a metal gate that just in time swung open. And right as we passed the threshold the gate slammed shut with a loud bang.

Yeah the odds were never in our favor.

            “Oh wow! look” Maddie exclaimed pointing to the ground.

            Grass, greener than ever before dominated the ground inside the walls. Trees, some even with fruit on, glossy red like in a fairy tale. Small water fount-ens, birds and was that a rabbit? It felt so unreal I couldn't quite believe it.

            “Uhm... did we just enter a portal to another realm or something?” A blond boy named Michael asked in aw.

            “No, no. I'm pretty sure we're still in hell, keep close boys” I voiced out slightly terrified about the unknown waiting for us outside the bus. And I had Chris voice constantly in my head telling me the humans will break both our bodies and our mind. This wasn't a fairy tale, it was a game.

            The bus came to a stop outside a large brick building. Several humans in long white doctor coats stood outside, ready to collect us.

            Shuffling out of the bus I had a bad feeling, like the start of a horror movie, you just know when the doctors bring that fake smile, you just know its not just a vitamin shot you'll be getting.

            I hear a train whistle in the distance. I have never seen a real life train before, only on TV. I smiled wondering what it looked like, what trains really looked like in real life, how big they were and how fast they glided on the tracks.

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