Chapter 29 - Link

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POV - Link

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

That's just stupid thinking Link! Stop it.

And I really needed to stop it. Max was a dominant alpha male not a snuggle bear!

I yanked of my cum-soaked shirt and threw it in the hamper. Guess I was borrowing Max's shirt. Walking into the closet, my hands glide along numerous sweaters and jackets hanging on the long row of hoks on the right side of the room.

Stopping by a red sweater, my fingers glide up the soft material. A heavy scent of Max lingers on it, its the one he wore yesterday. Sticking in my nose I breathed him deep into my lungs.

Hugging a sweater in Max's closet probably was a low point for me, and I blame it on my wolf. I needed to get over myself, this was getting a bit ridiculous.

Dragging myself away from the enticing sweater I grab a simple black one an threw it on before trotting down to lunch.

I didn't exactly try to avoid him, but I didn't seek him out either. I was after all a dominant male, no matter what color that stupid pin had.

Tired is how I felt, eating on pure instincts as I try not to let Max intense stare shake me down. Everything was fine, he needed to stop the eye scanning process before I lost it.

– Stop staring, I cant eat when you stare at me. - I quickly mindlink him.

He quickly looked away and didn't look at me for the rest of the lunch, but he didn't reply.

Max and I always understod each other easily. Knew when the other needed space or something, and could just as easily talk about anything and everything. But now things felt different, like we were out of step, out of tune.

And I'm wondering if it's my fault. Everything.

My little secret, my little lie.

I'm about to head out, take a little run after lunch was done. But the alpha had other plans as he grabbed onto my elbow and steered me upstairs.

Max shuts the door behind us and I now find myself standing face to face with him in the middle of his bedroom.

“What?” I ask nonchalantly

“No!” He starts holding up a finger in warning, and I immediately think my two feets are the most interesting thing in the room. “Dont lie Link! You know what.”

Clenching my teeth together I cross my arms and stand up a little straighter.

“Tell me” His voice was soft “did I do it wrong? Was it not good for you?” he starts rambling on and I immediately stop him

“No! I mean yes of course it was good for me” shit, he thought it was something wrong with the blowjob? no no. so not the case. “That part was verry good, in fact best i've ever had!” I smile a little at him.

“Then which part was not good?” and I visibly hear him swallow, his nervous?

“I... no, it's nothing” I shake my head and walk past him to get to the door “Everythings just ….”

“Dont say fine!” he hastily added in before me. As he pulles out his arm and casually let it rest on the door, blocking my exit in the prosess “Please, just tell me”

“It's...” I sigh and turn around to face him “No big deal”

He stares me down again waiting for more words.

“No it was just the way things sort of ended, kind of abrupt and...” I swallow before continuing “Uhm..... and I kind of wanted a bit more intimacy after we have intimacy” I continue on trying not to make it too much of a big deal “Its.... your not... Uhm... like that and that's okay, you know.” I shrug

It looks like his deciphering a code in his head by the crease forming on his forehead. What had I said exactly? Did I sound too needy?

A small grin appeared on Max lips “You wanted to cuddle!”

Oh I definitely sounded needy.

Well he wasn't wrong but I didn't like the sound of that.

“Well...” I dragged it on not knowing what to say, before giving up “a hug would have been nice.

Full on toothy grin was spread on his face like butter on bread, that fucking cock head, he was going to eat me alive for this wasn't he.

“You wanted to cuddle!” he repeats himself like I didn't hear him the first time.

And i'm already regretting this conversation. Wanting to escape but his arm was still blocking my exit, and his other arm was now taking a firm hold around me, tugging me closer to Max.

I just thought he was going to give me a hug and that was it. And that would have sufficed for me, that wasn't even a lie. A big hug and I was good. But Max had other ideas as he liftet me up and carried me forward, past the bed and into his office. Where he planted us in his office chair.

Well I suppose the bed would have led to other things.

I was about to tell him not to bother, that I really didn't need to cuddle as he put it. But laying  here, holding around each other, sniffing inn his masculine scent, my words didn't come. And I thought it wouldn't hurt to soak up some extra snuggletime, who knew when he let me next time.

Laying my head in the crock of his neck and closing my eyes I soon driftet off.

Falling asleep was not my intention, but I guess after the day I had no one could blame me. And Max made a good pillow, warm and safe.

Two hours later I wake up. Oddly enough i'm still in the office, on Max lap, and I can hear him typing away on his computer.

“Why didn't you wake me?” my voice was hoarse filled with sleep as I stretched out my limbs.

“Hey” He grinned, putting away his laptop “No, you needed the sleep”

“Right” I sigh standing up to strech my whole body.

“Where are you going?” he askes almost holding onto my shirt.

“Well I was heading out, I've been too much inside today my wolf needs to run” I say almost jumping up and down. That nap really had done me good, I felt better than I had been in days, maybe even weeks. “Wanna come?”

“Yeah” Max smiles and looks a bit relieved.

Well maybe his wolf was tired of being cooped up all day inside too, I couldn't blame him, our wolves needed fresh air and dirt underneath our paws. Which is exactly what we did.

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