Chapter 21 - Link

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POV - Link

Sunday, and im sitting in the kitchen amongst the wolves eating a late lunch before my shift in the fighting den.

My stomach we're currently happy with my sandwich but I kept the bites small not wanting to displease it. Ever since that bug my stomach did not seem pleased with my choice in food. Fruit cereal were out, they now smelled, uch.... cant even think about it. Go for the things I now liked which was pistachio ice cream and ice cubes, yeah that was about it. Can't exactly live on that. I hadn't been throwing up, thank God, but I wasn't far off.

Taking a god sip of my water I slide a ice cube into my mouth, rotating it around a little, then biting it to slush and swallowing down the goodness.

“Hey Link” Casey sits down next to me, her plate full with bread, egg and lots of delicious smelling bacon.

“Hey” I greet her, still eying the bacon.

“So I was wondering” she starts looking a bit around at the others and then back to me again. “If I could go and see my family today”

“Why are you asking me?” Really? I had no control over this.

“Oh come on Link” she narrows her eyes at me, huh? Seriously? “I did nothing to deserve this so-called lock down, I didn't piss him off! please I need to see my mother, and my cousin just had another baby. The Claw pack is only 2hours away I'll be back again before you know it.”

“I... I don't know what you want me to say?”

“Just talk to him”

“What no!” I contradict a bit to fast.

Sighing she slumped down a bit, and then that bitch tried to get me to feel sorry for her, -going on and on about her familie how they worry, and in her ending line she even did a little fake tear “....yeah I dont even know what my cousin is calling her newborn baby”

Seriously? She could just pick up the house phone and call her you know.

But I did feel a smudge guilty. Just a bit. Okay, I actually think this whole thing is my fault.

“Alright, give me a bacon piece and you can go”

“What?" She grinnes at me "Are you serious going to talk to him?”

“No!” you dumb chicken, this is way more complicated that that. “I'm just gonna cover for you”


“Take it or leave it”

She didn't even blink, as a second later the bacon piece lands on my plate. I smile at her and she grinnes back.

That would have been just fine but I guess the others around the table saw their opportunity as they all laid in their chips, or bacon in this case.

“I'm heading over to the Iron pack on Wednesday! Cover for me” Mark practically beamed throwing in two chips.

“Tuesday, to my girlfriend” Linda pointed to me.

And they all continued. My plate became quicly a pile of bacon as they all said, or yelled, their whereabouts for the next week. So looks like I was covering for the whole goddamn house.

Grabbing a pice of bacon, I slowly take a bite, savoring the taste and a bit scared, in more ways than one. Ahh.. Max was going to get mad wasn't he. Well fuck it! This was worth it, this bacon taste so good right now. Almost moaning I bit my way through the pile in ecstasy.

Max entered, the big goone practically had to move sideway through the door and I think I saw him almost touching the top, and let me tell you our doorways were not small.

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