Chapter 30 - Max

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POV - Max

Link was great, no... Link was amazing, no.... Link was more.

I remember being little, being a child, always feeling like the odd one out. Even when I was small I had no trouble taking down a wolf twice my size. As is expected from an alpha-born child, to be the strongest, to be the best.

But seeing some of my packmates scared of me, that wasn't easy.

As wolves we fought around a lot, it's in our nature, in our blood. It lies in our veins to fight and battle by instincts to find out where you are in the hierarchy.

I just wanted to play with the others my age, but no one wanted to fight me.

Until one rainy morning, when a little boy came wandering through our territory.

Link was skinny to the bone, loong brown wavy hair and a pair of shorts half shredded. Soaking wett and tired. He didn't speak much, but I knew he had been through hell to get here. I saw it in his eyes, they contained to much, had seen to much to be that young.

He came only with a name and his age. Link, eight years.

We alerted the nearby packs of course, if they where missing a eight year old wolf boy, but no one came to pick him up. So he stayed. And this was around the time when the battle against the Red Ring Society was fought, things was difficult to say the least.

Kyle was especially protective over the boy, given his circumstance. Losing ones mate his hard but losing your unborn child in the process could be fatal. And I think Link helped Kyle in more ways than even he knew.

Link was special.
And I knew what from the second day I saw him, when he trotted right up to me and asked me if I was the alpha to be. He proceeded on callenging me to a fight, which he lost, and that was expected, but the boy didn't stop, he kept seeking me out, challenging me on day after day.

I took it easy on him of course, he was even a couple years younger. But he got better and better, he listen to me and he learned something new everyday. Becoming best friends.

After that, more and more wolves started to fight me, wanting to play with me. And Link had somehow made me more included in my own pack.

Link got along with everyone of course, always the lovable one.

Marking my mate with my venom made me happy and I hoped he would carry my mark forever. Licking the wound I feel the skin beneath my tongue healing.

Link was already deep asleep in my arms, a smile on his face. Did I make him happy? Did I make him as happy as he made me?

Sighing I burry my nose in the nape of his neck, smelling in is addicted scent. I was careful not to put all my weight on topp of him, no need to smothering him. He was so small, my cute little mate.

I've never thought much about our difference in size but now after my sudden growth spurt he really was small, almost like a submissive next to me.

Rolling off him I grab a towel nearby and start to clean him up. Gently wiping away the sperm from his belly, he had really made a mess, even his chest and nipples were wet. Drying him off I threw the towel in the hamper before crawling back into bed with my mate.

Draping an arm over his torso I mold myself easily inn next to him. He reacted good on my venom, falling asleep this fast. But his body probably felt exhausted after the day we had.

Gliding my hand over his torso I soon found my hand wet. Did I miss a spot earlier? Looking down at him I notice one of his nipples was wet and it had a few droplets running down from it.

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