Chapter 38 - Max

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POV - Max

            Emptying the last sip of coffee I stand up from my office chair and walk downstairs for the nth time today. I wonder if I should mind link my mate but didn’t want to seem to needy, and he was now a days very preoccupied with work.

            I think he feels he needs to catch up on the work he missed when he was feeling ill, but that just seems wrong to me and I know he still isn’t feeling all that well. He keeps his mouth shut about it for some reason, maybe he doesn’t want to worry me. But we are suppose to be partners and he needs to start telling me things and he better to it quick before my mind starts to making things up.

            Link told me he is growing again, but my mind is finding it quite odd, and if I didn’t know any better I say his looking more and more pregnant. And I know that’s my mind making shit up, but I know for a fact that the only thing growing on Link is his belly. I'm so confused right now and my brain feels like it about to explode.

            Rubbing at my temple I grab the coffee pot and start filling up my cup again.

            Not many wolves are still hanging around the kitchen this time of the day, but they all sound a bit to loud for my over functioned head these days which seems to be in an constant buzz.

            “Max, congrats!” Nikki says bumping me in the shoulder. She just entered through the doorway, Sam tailing behind her.

            She nods at my mating mark grinning happily towards me. Sam on the other hand shakes his head looking annoyed. What was his problem?

            I’ve been strolling around in just a pair of pants all morning because, firstly I rarely didn’t get cold and second I wanted every one to see my lovely mating mark Link gave me. And I thought everyone would be pleased, but I’ve been receiving some weird vibe from most wolves noticing it.

            “Thank you Nikki” I grin back at her trying to let nothing ruin what is suppose to be a joyous day for me and Link.

            I think I hear Sam snorting, and I try to contain my heated aura gliding through my veins. Taking my cup of coffee I walk on by Nikki. Plastering on a big grin I stop right in front of Sam and watch him swallow down fear. “Toilets dirty, go and clean them” I command not taking my eyes of him.

            “What?” he almost squeaks “That’s not my job” he mumbles out.

            “It is today” I say taking a sip of the coffee. “The showers to! Tell me when you are done so I can inspect them.” I practically growled out. Making him bow down and submit to me in an instant.

            Good, that will teach him!

            Walking out the kitchen door I can hear several wolves catching their breath.

            I think I know why they are so dismissive of me and Link. Its because we are both dominant wolves and its impossible for us to produce an heir together. This must also be the reason for my absurd thinking Link is pregnant, my mind wants this to work so its twisting the truth.

            But there is no reason for this not to work, we can be mates without having children. Yes I know I’m the soon to be alpha, the next in line and are suppose to be giving the pack an heir to lead after me. But the pack takes care of their own, and when a alpha cant for some reason procreate, an alpha will be born from an non alpha parents. I’ve heard its been done before and I see no problem in giving the alpha title away to someone in the pack.

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