Chapter 20 - Max

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POV - Max

The next day Link was back on his feet. Luckily just a little bug, nothing the beta couldnt handle. But I got to admit seeing him, my mate, sick. Did weird things to my wolf. 

It lies deep in the wolves' nature to take care of their mate, to tend to them when they are sick. So I know why my wolf felt so out of sorts not being there for him. But he didn't want to stay in my bed.

I really wanted to stay the night with him, help him to the bathroom in the middle of the night if he needed it or just help him to a glass of water. Wipe his forehead with a cold cloth, or I could wipe his whole body down. Maybe even a sponge bath, it sounded like an great idea to me.

But I would not invade his space like that, no. He would call if he needed anything, if he needed me.

The next day he seemed just fine, his normal wolfself. And I felt a little calmer.

We were all helping out in the yard out front. Summer was soon at its end but the weather temperature was still warm and we could easily stay out all night long even in our human form.

The lucan pack were arriving anytime now and would join us for sharing food. Their territory was about a three hour drive and occupied a god strip of seacoast on Wolfclanland that was known for its excellent seafood.

Several of the other packs along the coast also made good harvests from the seas, but it was something in the way Lucan pack prepared their food that made it taste exceptionally good.

We usually shared food about every other month, where we shifted on coming to each other, bringing lots of our food, share and eat together in harmony.

I think its a good arrangement that allows us to meet and get to know everyone. We have this arrangement with a couple of other packs as well, but I know there are several packs that keep more to themselves and will not lett another pack inside their borders that easily. Its like they think of every other pack as an enemy. But In my mind its a community, of friends and family.

We all had some form of ties to another pack, usually from marriage. And it would have been cruel of me to make my pack members cut their bonds to them, with friends and families. And for what exactly? What did the other secluded packs gain from that? Not delicious barbecued shrimp at least.

Hearing the cars in the distance I walk on out to greet them.

Link takes a stand beside me and I smile down at him. He takes in my height and huffes out nodding at my black chip that I secured on my shirt over my heart this morning. “Oh good you didn't forget” his voice thick with sarcasm “they might start to wonder whitout it”his tone was sharp and a bit annoyed.

What was his problem. Yeah, I was a dominant and everybody knew we were dominants, but if everyone weared their chip it would be easier for another pack to maybe if lucky find their match.

Was he upset I was wearing the chip whitout being single, well it could only be a couple of weeks left and I wonder if the bite was starting to fade. Or maybe he was upset he hadn't gotten his chip yet?

“Do... do you want it?” I ask tentativ. I would hover and scare of any attempting males trying to flirt with him anyway might as well make him happy now.

“What?” he asked a bit unsure.

“Do you want to borrow my chip? Just until you get your own.”

“I...” he starts but is interrupted by Milli the Lucan pack alpha.

“Hello boys” she grins, looking up at me and giving me a hug. “Damn Max! You're a foot taller than this old lady already!” she laughs and walks up to Link, giving him a big hug as well.

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