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            The small wolf-man panted and grunted into the large wolf-man's chest trying to gain some form of leverage.
            In a last attempt the submissive whimper in pain making the man on top swiftly lean off his mate, scanning him for injuries with a worried expression, half patting him down to make sure he was okay.

             Making swift moves while his component is temporarily distracted, the smaller wolf-man quickly hooks his left leg around his match and with all his force shoving the beast of him in anger. “Not today you evil mountain!” he growled pinning the man's hands above his head.

            Fire ignited it the large wolfs eyes and he was bemused by the small wolf-mans puny attempt of strength. But he didn’t dare laugh, afraid to hurt the mate’s heart.

            But it did not mean he would merely give up, no not even close, as the wolves was just getting started.

            Had it not been for their indifferent size they would perhaps be of equal opponents, if one of them had not a deep thumping energy brewing just beneath the surface. But of course, he never wanted to use it on the smaller wolf, as a matter of fact he never wanted to use that force on anyone.

            The little on squealed as the mountain beneath him suddenly stood taking him forcefully with him, and slamming him into the opposite wall, turning the table in a heartbeat. “cheeky, cheeky buttercup”

            Growling the smaller one became more menace showing his teeth in dispute.

            But the larger wolf would not encourage wile treats, even as small as these ones were. So, he grabbed the disobedient wolf by the throat clamping his hands tightly around, making the man loose some of his breath as he dangled in front of the beast.

            The wolf did not scream for help, even though it would probably be any other mans solution being this close to an alpha wolf. He merely rolled hi eyes back in ecstasy, giving out chocking moans and pleasure sound as his member between his legs grew.

            Heated scents and pheromones filled with need soaked through the wolves explicit smelling senses as the tense air between them grew.

            Taking his tongue out and licking the beaded sweat from his mates’ temples only made the hostage more needy with lust. The alpha pushed one leg in between the smaller wolf’s leg, wanting to feel his erection.

            And then the alpha could no longer contain his excitement, letting go of the smaller wolf’s hands and throat only to smother him in a needy kiss. Wanting to feel more out of his lover, his heart, his soul.

            They kissed forever, needing to be connected as they ripped pieces of clothes of each other, one by one.

            “It's not fear Max, you need to let me win once” The smaller one half moaned letting the alpha known as Max take on the lead and lift him a bit to the left, giving his naked bum a place in the windowsill.

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