Chapter 57 - Max

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POV - Max

            “Be on your guards!” I voiced out towards the wolves as we head out onto the open field.

            “Stay together!” Boomer said eyeing the tree-line up ahead with suspicion.

            We had been running on full speed all day, the wolves was hyped up and ready to take down the dominant prison one final time and bring back our fellow wolves-people.

            From the field we could already smelled the humans, how they lingered just beyond these last trees. They had some numbers, but it didn't scare us. An alpha could easily put down ten humans if they were driven enough, and by the alpha scent my fellow wolves was giving out, we were all prepared to give them hell.

            Taking another step out on the grass I immediately stop and turn my head the way we came from. My head not in the fight, but fixated on something else.

            “What is it?” Kyle voiced out next to me.

            “I just got a bad feeling”

            “What? Again?” his eyes was filled with concern. And yes I've had this feeling for a while now. Stopping up ever so often.

            But I needed to be here, in the fight. Why did I feel like I was in the wrong place?

            “I don't know” I stated unsure. Maybe I was just feeling anxious not having him close. It was after all normal for mates, the need to be close.

            “I see something” Johnny whispered nodding to the tree-line up a head.

            Turning my head back in the game I search in the same direction as the others. And surly enough there was something moving up ahead.

            The night had began creeping its way over us, but we could see it as clearly as in daylight. Small shapes moving in the forest. Tree branches snapping as their heavy boots slowly came closer.

            More and more shapes stirred up front as they all gathered in on us.


            “Steady!” I whispered out to the ten wolves surrounding me “Brace for income!”

            The wolves up front held their shields just a little tighter. They were after all our protection from the silver bullets. Lets just hope the humans hadn't anything bigger in surprise for us.

            More humans seemed to be moving in the trees and a sound kept humming in the distant.

            “Why aren't they attacking?” Boomer whispered beside me.

            “Maybe they are waiting for us?” Johnny said hunching down closer to the shield “Why don't you go and ask them?”

            Boomer just snort at the wolf as the sound keeps on getting closer and closer.

            “I think they were waiting for that!” Brody exclaimed nodding towards the forest up ahead as a massive tank slowly came rolling out of the tree-line.

            “Shit!” Boomer exclaimed looking back up at me “That's a fucking tank!”

            “I don't want to be the decoy no more!” Johnny harshly whispered closing his eyes and covering his ears.

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