Chapter 10 - Max

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POV - Max

“It was just sex” his words hit me like a blow, a cold shower waking me up. It was just sex for him? What does that even mean.

I know I was a dominant man, but I really think we could be great together. He was already my best friend, my brother – hmm better stop calling him that, dont want things to get awkward. Even tho i'm hoping he call me daddy again in a sexy husky voice. Okay it's official, I got some kinks, and I probably got tons more, and I wanted Link to find every single one out, and I wanted to unlock his kinks, his secrets. I wanted us to be an us.

Maybe he was having some troubles being topped, he probably just been with bottoms. I should have stimulated his cock, regret pulled at me, fuck! I should have jerked him off. And it suddenly occurred to me I have no idea how gay sex work.

I mean how to please a man, how to please my mate.

I needed to do some research, ask an experienced man and my mind went directly to Link. I hated how my brain did that. Like my brain was fixating on the man. But I knew why, Link was always there, and I could talk to him about every thing. He would be the obvious choice, to bad he wasnt speaking to me.

Ever since the day after our mating ritual, he had been avoiding me. Like big time. Even having the delta waking me up in the morning. I didn't want the delta I wanted my beta, my anyoing Link jumping on me and draging my sheet off my naked body.

I needed him close, but Link kept dancing around the border, even keeping out of reach on my mindlink. Why? Why was he so mad at me?

I needed to wheel him in, could not have him prancing around. Well preferable I would have him handcuffed to my desk, but this was a civilised pack and I could only get away with the smaller things for the time being. Do not needing any other wolves sniffing around my mate, I would contain this, I would contain him.

So for the time being the wolves were prohibited to leave the pack grounds.

Surely there would be conflicts, but no one would go against me, the soon to be alpha. And if he dared to defy me, I would hunt him down, drag his tight round ass back and chain him naked to my bed.

Visions off spanking his ass pink had me tipping off the edge every night. I never felt this horny in my life. I even imagined my cock in his mouth, his head bobbing up and down. And I wonder If he likes it, sucking dick. He was probably good at it. Would he want to suck me off?

I liked it when Sheela, my ex sucked me of, so I know I would like him to do it to. Sheela and I where wired differently when it came to sex. Or that was what I always thought, now im not sure If i pleased her enough. I made her cum, no problem there, but she rarely wanted to have sex. And when we did mate it was usually plain vanilla as I see it now. And I could only imagine the plain horror on her face if I had spanked her.

It was the reason to why I broke up with her. The last couple of months it felt more like I forced her to have sex with me, or she forced herself, is it a difference? We where young and wanted it to work I guess. But It felt so much more wrong now.

I sigh burying my head into my pillow and jerking my hips in shallow thrust into the sheet.

Would Link play with my balls while he sucked me. Maybe he even let me hold onto his hair as he bobbed up and down, as I finger fucked him. He would like that. Would Link swallow? I wouldn't mind cumming all over his face, smearing him in my scent, marking him mine.

Grabbing a hold of my stiff cock I jerk one out for the third time today. Horny that was only the first letter to how I had felt the last days. And I knew my mate had a big part in the reason, as my wolf almost took over and bolted down the stairs and into Link's room to satisfy his needs. And yes it was Link's need, that horny bastard had me hard in the most inconvenient places.

It was due to the mating bite, I was after all his mate for the next three months until the bite slumbered down and went away. If my stubborn beta would crawl up those stairs and let me fuck him into oblivion, but no, he stayed far away from me.

Groaning in frustration, I threw the cum-soaked duvet on the floor and grabbed a small blanket instead. I know I should have gotten up and jerked in the bathroom instead, but it was two o'clock at night and I really needed to sleep.

I wanted to mindlink him, ask if he feels as unsatisfied as I did. But I just couldn't stad the silence I most definitely had gotten in return, so I decided against it.

Sleep came, but filled with Link it left me only more unsatisfied.

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