Chapter 27 - Link

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POV - Link

Waking up in the morning I usually had my head screwed on right and was up and almost before I could open my eyes, but today my body was not cooperating. Mind all fuzzy I try to wiggle my body awake, not wanting to spend another second in bed. And my shoebox for a bed never felt this soft and warm, spreading out my arms I didn't even hit the wall. Did I shrink or did my bed get bigger during the night.

Taking a deap breath, heavy scent of the alpha hit my nostrils making me tingly whitin. And I suddenly realize who's bed im in. Right I was in Max bed, but why was it so hard to get up? Maybe it had something to do with the amazing morning sex? Dunno, but I had other plans than to lay in bed all day long.

Swinging my legs around they hit the floor with a thump. I got up in a haze and wondered half asleep around the room grabbing a pair of pants and t-shirt, dragging them on I wander on into Max office. That fucker up before me? That ain't right.

“Hey” I greet him leaning my arm over his shoulder, partly because I needed the support to stay upright.

“Hey, what are you doing up already” he half turnes towards me, and I think his scowling at me. “you should sleep another hour at least”

“Naa... im good, just need some food in my system” I absently rub my belly

“You didn't eat? I thought you ate earlier” He rambles on “You need to sitt down, I'll go and get you some food” he tries to get up to offer me the office chair, but I needed him to stop, all his rambling was making me dizzy.

“Sit!”  I warn him holding up a hand.

And he seemes to get the memo slowly sitting down again.

“I am going down to get myself some food” patting his shoulder I grabbed the empty coffee mug on his desk “Here, let me get you some coffee while im at it” Better make myself useful having spent way much time in bed already. Turning on my heel I walk on out of his office. My body feeling more like myself I skip down the stairs and turn right into the kitchen.

A couple wolves is eating breakfast by the kitchen table and a few other by the bar counter.

“Hey Link” Mino greets me pulling out a couple of items from the fridge. “I can make you something to eat if you like” he gestures and continues to list up our breakfast options for the day.

But as my feet stop in front off the coffee machine, my body feels drained all of a sudden, like its still on top of the stairs. And I feel myself falling backwards not able to catch myself.

A couple of screams and a mug shattering is all I hear before my eyes takes me towards complete darkness.

I don't know how long im out. All I know is what I feel when I hear his voice. Safe.

“Link!” His voice is loud and clear, all the others a muffled out.

“Link!” Opening my eyes, I am laying on my back across the kitchen floor, with several concerend wolves looking down on me. I'm not an expert but aren't they supposed to give me some sort of breathing room. Not talking non stop and constantly touching my forehead.

One growl and they all back up, luckily the big alpha to be, had my back.

“I called on the doctor he will be here soon” Max spoke calmly to me, but I didn't want a doctor. “I'll carry you back to bed”

Back to bed.... that had a bad taste to it, but Max didn't see my concerned face as he gently lifted me up in his arms.

– My bed- I mindlink him

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