Chapter 37 - Link

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POV - Link

Half dazed I roll around in bed, the big giant idiot no where to be seen. He left? Huffing out I rubbed at my eyes trying to adjust, it was still dark out and I cant have slept for very long, but my body ached all over. I wanted to get out of the cold bed, but my body wasn't collaborating as usual.

            Groaning I tossed my legs over the side. Looking sideways to glint at Max sitting in the office chair, looking a bit angry with me. What the fuck did I do now? Huffing out I stand and growl at the man. Rolling his eyes he closes his computer and strides into the bedroom.

            “How difficult is it for you to stay in bed!” he growls at me, thinking he can control me, what the fuck, dominant males have zero brain cells I tell you!

            He wasn't even in bed and he expected me to lay still all day there, no sir! “You are up to!” I huff at him trying to regain my balance, but my legs feels like jelly. Seriously I cant even remember getting in bed to sleep, that must have been some gold medal Olympic acrobatics I must have pulled off. What had happened? “What time is it” I hazily wipe my eyes strangling a yawn.

            “Its late, now get in bed!” luckily he didn't try to shove me back down, because I would bite his head of.

            Wait that spiked a memory, did I actually bite him yesterday? No I couldn't have, I knew how to control myself, unlike another male I knew off. Max had a shirt on and I found myself staring at his neck, like I had some sort of x-ray capability. No that couldn't have happened. If it did I probably wouldn't be standing butt naked in his bedroom, nope.

            My chest felt itchy and I scratched at it absently. Grabbing a boxer I try sliding it on, my balance a bit wonky so it takes me a few tries, but with Max outstretched arm I manage.

            Max huffs at me “I knew we should have waited a couple of hours” he mumbles crossing his arms and scowls at me. Seriously why was he so mad, was it a bad orgasm for him? Because I think mine landed me in a coma I'm still trying to wake up from.

            Sighing I turn to face him again and find him staring intently at my body, what did put on my boxer the wrong way? Looking down I find my boxer in the right place, but I think that was just luck for my coma brain. “What?” I question him.

            “Uhm... I just....” he started, looking straight at me “you look a bit... uhm...” he fumbled and its not often I see him lost for words, what is he getting at? “-your bigger” he blurted out in a haste.


            Wait Yes!

He noticed too! “Yes!” I grin at him “I'm growing again, and I feel a lot taller, I'm so happy you noticed!” wrapping my arms around him he gently hugs me back.

            “Taller? Um yeah, that's what it is” I feel him sighing and stick his nose into my hair. I like it when he does that, its like he likes the way I smell or something.

            Dragging myself away I take a few steps over to the closet in need of some more clothes in this freezing room, but before I made it that far, a small knock came from the door and I feel the hairs rising in my neck.

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