Re;birth Apocalypse [Original] Ch. 2: On The Road To Lastation

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"Hey Neptune, we've been in this desert for an hour now, and I've been hallucinating a giant bird dragon metal thingy..."

Neptune turns around and pulls out her katana (Wood). "Behind you."

I turn around and dive out of the path of a Hraesvelgr, Who came up with these names...? "Dammit, it's a Hraesss..... Hraesvell.... Huraas....It's a bird..."

Neptune dashes past me and slashes the (Insertnamehere) with her katana (Wood).

The (Dialect) flaps its wings, sending shards flying down.

I catch one of the shards and throw it back at it. The shard impales it through the eye, the (NameThatShallNotBeSpokenWhichCanNotBePronounced) drops to the ground. Neptune runs up to it and decapitates it. "Alright, we're having Hraesvelgr for dinner!" I take Neptune's katana (Wood) and cut into the (BIRD),

Pulling out a bone from its ribcage. I spin the bone in my hands, easy to wield.

"Why does this feel like an easy-to-replace beginner class weapon?" Neptune drags the bird by the feet. "Ok, let's cook this!" I stare at Neptune, "And where do you think we'll get firewood?" Nothing but desert for miles, Actually, I can't even tell where we are. "Neptune, you know which way leads to Jet-Set-Range, right?" Neptune shrugs and starts walking off. "Heaven or Hell?" I take off after her.

"1,000,000 cups of pudding in a bag, 1,000,000 cups of pudding, you take one out, devour it down, 1,000,000 cups of pudding in a bag. 999,999 cups of pudding in a bag, 999~..." ~ "Stop singing that damn song!"

Neptune stops and turns around as I pass her by. "We've been walking through Jet-Set-Range for the past 3 hours now. We should be getting close." Neptune walks up beside me. "How close?" I pull out a map, turn it on many sides, then toss it into the ravine below. "Well, we'll arrive at Jet-Set-Peak soon, so then we just need to head down the mountain, and cross the river, and we should be there." Neptune stops walking and slouches down on the ground. "I'm tired of walking, give me a piggyback ride." I turn around and look down at Neptune.

"I'm not doing that again, the last time you made me do that, I was carrying you for hours." Neptune lets out a groan and stands up. "If it makes you feel better I'll buy us a drink when we get to Lastation." Neptune nods and we head back on the road.

Neptune runs up to the cliffside and yells at the top of her lungs.

"Lastation Ahoy!" I walk up behind her. "What are we, pirates?"

The sun begins to set off in the distance. We watch the amazing sight.

"Aah, this is so non-canon it hurts."

End of Chapter

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