Re;birth Apocalypse [Original] Ch. 15: The Will To Fight

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"Phase Two." A massive wave of pressure exploded out of me, as I activated ADV. "I'LL KILL YOU!" I flew up towards the Apocalypse Callers, as Spade kicked me away. "Learn your place. We still need you for later." I stop my descent and fly back towards them, raising my scythe above my head. "Say goodnight!" I swing down at Spade, just as he vanishes and I'm kicked away by a powerful force. Spade looks over to the one in yellow armor, as he retracts his katana. "Diamond, thanks for the assist." ~ "No problem." Spade appears next to me, launching me towards Diamond, who grabs me by the throat and dives downwards, slamming me into the ground. The white one lands next to Diamond and grabs my feet, as Diamond holds down my arms. Spade appears above me and punches me in the gut. Heartz floats down, extending her rapier and stabbing me in the chest. Infection flows into my body, as I drop out of ADV. The others keep me from grabbing my dagger, as the infection traveled. Heartz leans in, as her visor opens on the right side, revealing a black flame. "Now you just stay there and be quiet. This will all be over soon." The infection flows deeper into my body, traveling up my arms. Diamond and Clubs' grip starts to weaken, as I notice myself getting stronger. A searing pain ruptures in my head, as a horn rips out of my head above my left eye. Spade leans in to see the horn growing. "It's responding!" My left eye colour turns black, as it becomes bloodshot. My rising power and their loosening grip gives me a chance, as I kick Clubs off of me, and slip free of Diamond's hold. My horn and eye didn't return to normal though, as they were still there. "What did you do?!" Heartz looks to me, as her visor glows. "We unlocked your potential. We can't have you dying before we can extract it from you." Spade dashes up to me and grabs me by the collar, flying into the air and throwing me to the ground. I stop myself inches to the ground, as I activate ADV, summoning dark energy spheres in my hands. I chuck them towards Spade, as Diamond and Clubs slash them to bits. Spade appears next to me, and slashes his katana at me, but I block easily with my scythe. A sharp kick throws me into the air, followed by multiple pierces to my body, as Heartz turns visible with her rapier extended out. "Do you really think you can defeat the four of us?" I create a ball of energy in my hands, as I reel back my arm and throw it towards Heartz. "Pocket Destroyer!" Heartz easily dodges the ball, as it explodes creating a vortex that sucked the four Apocalypse Callers towards it. Clubs swings his axe towards it, cutting the vortex in half, resulting in the vortex imploding on itself. Spade flew towards the imploding vortex, as it disappeared entirely. "What...?!" Spade reappears beside me, and kicks me towards Clubs, who slammed the blunt end of his axe into my midsection, sending me back towards the ground. "Damn..." I stand up from the crater I had created, when a gust of wind threw me into the air. "What the hell?!" A blast of fire shot towards me, as I just barely dodged it. Griffal walked up behind me, as he went straight for a slash attack. I block with my claws, creating a massive wave of pressure that blew Griffal into the air. Draq launched a jet of lava towards me, as I threw a black hole towards it, causing the lava spray to be sucked into it and disappear. "What's going on?!" Spade appears next to me, as he sends a wave of pressure that launches Draq and Griffal back. "You did this to them. It was your power." ~ "What?!" ~ "What you have inside of you, is what we need. You have the power of Betrayal. The card of Joker." I kick Spade away from me, as Griffal launches a tornado towards us. Spade appears in front of me, and blocks the tornado, as he punched Draq, who had lunged at him. "There is a way to save them. Defeat all of the cards. Once you've done that, your answer will be found." Spade appeared next to the rest of them, as the vortex they made grows bigger. I drop out of ADV, as the four of them vanished into the vortex. "Defeat all of the cards..." The vortex slowly started to close, as I looked to the zombies who were once my friends. "I promise... I'll save you all." I start running towards the vortex, leaving behind the world I once tried to save. Leaving behind the friends that I made. Leaving behind the one I loved. I dive into the vortex, just as it closes behind me.

I slowly open my eyes, a slumber that seemed like an eternity past. The area around me was that of Gamindustri. The smell of blood was cast along the land, the sky was red, and all of the plant life had died. The oceans had dried up, and replacing them were the blood and flesh of possible citizens. Four nations stood on each edge of the world, mimics of the four nations. Planeptune was no longer the land of purple progress, instead, the buildings were black in colour, with a blood red mist surrounding the area. Lastation had become a wasteland, as a single castle stood in the center. Banners of Heartz were strewn across the castle, as various creatures roamed. Lowee had turned a mechanical junkyard, being mostly made of machinery that were destroyed long ago. Leanbox resembled a golden kingdom, with a tall golden tower in the center. Banners of Diamond occupied the walls of the kingdom. In the center of the four, was a spiralling tower, jet black with an ominous mist surrounding it. The top couldn't be seen from where I was standing, as what looked to be various fog machines were hooked up to the sides of the tower. Spade appears next to me, as he looks out over the land. "This is our dimension. Your dimension." His visor opens up, revealing purple flames where his eyes would be. "Negativdimension"

End of Part One

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