'Unforgettable' Party [Unfinished]

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Welcome to Unforgetable Party, a story where The Neptunia characters, Dorian Moon, and Raidea all go to a party. While every chapter hey get more and more drunk. Causing them to do more and more stupid shit, and yes this is uncensored.

Raidea bursts in through the door,


He then proceeded to pull a massive wheelbarrow from his pocket, there was about twenty twelve packs of Mountain Dew. The rest was an accumulation of candy and chips.

Dorian: Hey... You came! And broke the door..."

Neptune: Meh, we'll just send the receipt to Noire. She'll handle it.

Raidea: hmmm we need more drinks than Mountain Dew...

Dorian: Don't worry, I've got a few cases of beer in my room.

Raidea: How much is a few?

Dorian: About 281,160 liters.

Raidea:*sigh* It's gonna have to do.

Dorian: Oh, Don't worry. I've got a shipment of over 300,000 liters coming in.

Saka leaps in through the floor.

Saka: Heard y'all were havin' a party.

Raidea: Yup, we be having grand old time.

A knock on the door signifies that the party is about to get out of hand.

Dorian: Guests!

Dorian opens the door as the CPU and CPU Candidate of Lastation enter.

An air Raid siren starts to play. As Raidea starts to open the top window... Abo and Gheo fall through the roof... the only part that wasn't open.

Raidea: You had one, goddamn job.

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