Re;birth Apocalypse [Original] Ch. 8: Blusterous Allies

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My vision blurs and contorts as I test out my new eye. The surrounding area zooms in and out, fading to black and then back to light. "I've got to hand it to Lastation, their tech is something else." Neptune nods, as we walk the path towards Lowee. "It was convenient that they had a few of those made." ~ "Yeah..."


Noire comes back with a small black box. "Here, this is Lastation's newest in medical tech." She hands me the box, which I open, revealing a small clear ball. "How's this work?" ~ "It's a synthetic eyeball. You put it where your eye used to be, and it uses photogenic and biogenetic technology to copy the other eye and use other genetic DNA it finds to create a look alike to your real eye." ~ "That is surprisingly convenient... With this technology, Lastation will become the nation with the best health care, and its shares will sky rocket... For that reason, this must never make it to the public..." I put the spherical orb in my eye socket. The orb lights up, as it forms into a look-alike of my previous eye. "I'm not even going to ask how you managed to fit that much technology into a small ball..." ~ "Best you not. That's a Lastation secret." ~ "Heh... Like other things..." Neptune snickers as Noire gets flustered. "I-It's not like I like doing stuff like that o-or anything!" ~ "Just what I wanted to hear. C'mon Neptune, we're heading off now."

(Later... or now... Present...?)

I continue to mess around with my new eye. Zooming in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out... This is starting to sound very sexual... "Neptune, question... Where's the map?" ~ "I thought you had it." ~ "...Well... I guess we don't have a map..." ~ "..." ~ "..." ~ "...You wouldn't be able to read it anyways..." ~ "That's why I have you..." ~ "Cold..." ~ "Well, I wouldn't be very good playing the hot role, now would I?" ~ "I guess you're right." ~ "Maybe it would be easier if I set myself on fire..." ~ "We could roast marshmallows!" ~ "..." ~ "..." Awkward silence, my favourite. "I'm thinking of picking up some new clothes at Lowee." ~ "Why Lowee?" ~ "Well, Lastation only has dark colours. I did pick up some black pants and a black coat, like my last one, but I need a white shirt to make it work." ~ "I was wondering... Why do you have so many scars?" ~ "I think it would be best if we dropped this topic before I have this series' equivalent of Vietnam Flashbacks..." ~ "..." ~ "..." ~ "So... Back there, with Noire. Was that your way of flirting with her?" ~ "Sometimes it's fun to tease someone like that." ~ "Do you like her?" ~ "If it were anything like that, this wouldn't be an OC x Neptune, would it?" Neptune smiles. "Yeah." Neptune and I stare deeply into each other's eyes... "Move out of the way!" We leap away from a motorbike that speeds past us, followed by a tornado. "Did we just get c*ck blocked by a motorbike and mini tornado...?" ~ "Um... Yeah..." ~ "That's why I'm not good at romance... The world just doesn't want it..." ~ "What?" ~ "Let's go after them. Luckily, I have just what we need." I pull out my dagger, as my right eye turns red, and my synthetic eye floods with red, becoming a red beacon. "Gotta go fast." I activate Hyperspeed, and Neptune and I are zooming towards the motorbike.

We stop at the motorbike on its side, and a lot of ground torn up. I look over to a girl fighting a massive worm looking monster. "You. Explain. Now." The girl looks to me, as the worm monster charges towards me. "No, bad." I strike the worm with my dagger, ripping it out of the ground and onto the sand. "Now get back up and tell me you're sorry." I look back to the girl. "Well, I was wondering where you went, IF." ~ "Well, I was going to tell you both, but you weren't at the Basilicom at the time. Not long after we left, Planeptune got attacked by a nuclear warhead." I look at Neptune. "Yeah... That was no attack. Wait, you said 'we'?" ~ "Yeah." As if on cue, the mini tornado comes back. "Yeah, as in the gusts of wind that blow through Gamindustri." The tornado disperses, and standing in its place, was Griffal. "Hey IF, I handled another one... Holy $#!%, what's wrong with your eye?!" I take out the synthetic eye, and put it back in. "Sorry, just had to be turned off and back on again." ~ "What?!" ~ "I'll explain later." ~ "Okay... Anyways, how's the nuclear warfare?" ~ "Depends, how's the fanbase?" ~ "Ooh... Harsh." IF whispers to Neptune. "Is this normally how they interact?" ~ "Normally, is an understatement..." ~ "That makes no sense..." ~ "And neither does he..." I turn back to IF. "So, what's up with ol' Wind Turbine here?" ~ "We're... kind of a thing..." ~ "Oh, really. That's surprising." Griffal nods. "If you think that's surprising, you should know that Draq hooked up with Blanc." ~ "That's even more surprising. Are you sure we're even in the same story? Is this still Apocalypse?" ~ "Careful, you don't want to be sued for making the fourth wall an endangered species..." ~ "It can do that?!" IF turns to us. "Now's not the time. We have work to do." ~ "If I know Authors, you just have to say that, and they'll get right to work. What's the job?" ~ "We're hunting down sandwellers." I take out the bonerod from the Hraesvelgr. "Okay, we'll help." ~ "Good. We'll split up into teams, Boys vs Girls." ~ "What is this, gym class?" ~ "Would you rather work alone?" ~ "I do better then, yes." ~ "Okay then, the loner by himself and the three of us." I spin my bonerod in hand. "Okay, I'm gonna need an armadillo, a chess piece, and a car. Don't worry guys, I will not mess this up."

End of Chapter

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