Re;birth Horror

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A dark aura casted over the land. Deep in the depths of the woods.

Two heroes, lost...

"Neptune, stop narrating"

The male hero wasn't happy with the female heroine.


Even the small light of the torch, couldn't light the da.....

"Neptune, shut up"

I point towards a small cabin in the woods.

"Lets crash there for tonight"

Neptune nods and follows.

I open the door, slowly stepping into the room.

"Excuse the intrusion"

Neptune walks in, looking around...

"So, is this like a horror movie, or something"

I turn on the light switch.

"Neptune, that kind of stuff wouldn't happen irl"

As the lights turn on, i am immediately greeted by a bear.


I walk away from the headless corpse.

"Like i said, nothing like that happens in real life"

Neptune stares at me for a few seconds.

I turn on the lights to the kitchen.

"Damn, is this place abandoned or something"

I open the fridge door, inside were rotten vegetables and some containers of meat. "Guess so"

Neptune walks in, carrying a stone of some kind.

"Any food, i'm starved"

I close the fridge door, quickly scan the cupboard and the freezer.

"Unless mystery meat is considered 'food'"

Neptune glares at it, mouth watering.

"God, you'd eat anything"

I chuck the container into the garbage and head into the living room. The room was like any horror movie, cabin in the woods, stereotypical design. There was a large deer head mounted on the wall, Old couches covered in dust, and what seemed to be a fireplace... sort of...

I hear sounds coming from above me, scratching or something.

"Neptune, where are you"

Neptune pokes her head out from the kitchen.

"Whats up"

I glance up the stairs and back to her.

"I think something is up there"

I ready my 'sexyness' admin gun...

"Don't ask how i got this, i have cheats"

I slowly climb up the stairs, neptune following behind.

We reach the top of the stairs, the floor seemed old and fragile.

"Ok neptune, move slowly"




"What was that?"

I turned to the other end of the hallway, neptune was already on the other side. "How did you do that so quickly"

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