Pokemon Ranger Dream Radar Chapter One: Dimensional Rifts

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"Hey Draq, have you seen the ultra balls"My name is MoonHD, and im a Pokemon trainer.I live in the Unova region, and today, we're heading to Black City.I need to challenge the Black Tower, and Draq has decided to join me."Draq, whats your highest level pokemon on your team"Draq pulls out a pokeball and I scan it with my pokedex.The stats came up on the pokedex. Samurott lv.59 Attacks: Slash Hydro Cannon Shadow Claw Megahorn"Nice Samurott"Draq puts Samurott's pokeball back on his belt."Have you challenged the league yet"Draq pulls out his badge case."I managed to battle against the champion, but I lost against her Haxorus"I head out towards the battlefield near the pokemon center."Draq, lets battle"Draq steps onto the field."Think of it as training for the league"I grip the pokeball in my hand.Draq throws out his first pokemon.The battle begins.Draq vs MoonHDDraq sends out Excadrill lv.56Excadrill enters the field with a focus sash on its head."I see...." I throw out my pokemon.MoonHD sends out Rotom(Heat) lv.61"Rotom use Overheat"Fire explodes out of Rotom.Excadrill survives at 1 hp due to the focus sash.Luckily, the overheat burned Excadrill.Excadrill drops to the ground and Draq sends it back into its ball.He sends out his second pokemon.Draq sends out Ampharos lv.57"Ampharos use shadow claw"A shadowy claw shoots out of Ampharos' hand and strikes Rotom.Rotom fainted."Rotom return"My second pokemon enters the stage.MoonHD sends out Krookodile lv.67"Krookodile use Earthquake"The ground begins to shake, Ampharos goes down."Its super effective"Draq returns Ampharos back to its pokeball, I don't think he liked that joke.Draq sends out Bisharp lv.56The pokemon charges at Krookodile with a burst of speed.In seconds Krookodile is fainted on the ground."That was fast" I send out my next pokemon.MoonHD sends out Lucario lv.61Lucario charges at Bisharp, Bisharp races towards Lucario.They clash with an explosion of aura.Lucario force palms Bisharp in the chest, sending Bisharp sprawling out on the ground.Draq returns Bisharp to its pokeball.Draq sends out Arcanine lv.55Fire explodes from the pokeball, as the K-9 dashes out at an extremespeed. Lucario blocks it with a bone rush, and then blasts out a dragon pulse.Arcanine dashes around Lucario and uses fire fang.Lucario drops to the ground.I return Lucario to the pokeball, and sent out my next pokemon.MoonHD sends out Haxorus lv.62Haxorus Rushes out of the ball and strikes Arcanine with a dragon claw.Arcanine stumbles backwards.Haxorus slashes at Arcanine again, and again, and again.Arcanine falls to the ground.Draq returns Arcanine and sends out his next pokemon.Draq sends out Druddigon lv.57Druddigon and Haxorus clash with dragon claw.Druddigon raises its head towards the sky, and meteors began to fall.The meteors hit Haxorus hard.I return Haxorus back to its pokeball, and sent out my 5th pokemon.MoonHD sends out Serperior lv.64Serperior entered the field, and Defeated Druddigon with a dragon tail.Draq sent out his final pokemon.Draq sends out Samurott lv.59Serperior uses leaf blade on Samurott, but it blocks it with its scalchop.Samurott uses Megahorn and attempts to jab Serperior.Serperior wraps Samurott in its roots and ties it to the ground.Serperior slithers away from Samurott and uses Frenzy Plant.Vines begin to rip out of the ground.It makes direct contact with Samurott.Samurott drops to the ground, fainted.Draq returns Samurott to its pokeball.MoonHD won the battle.(Later)I say goodbye to Draq and head on home.I live in Undella town, so Its a long walk from Black City to Undella.Black City is very dark, but im used to dark places.I head down a dark alleyway and stop next to a wall.I knock on the wall 3 times.A voice is heard from inside."Mountain"I answer with the code."River"The wall flips open and a passage appears.I head inside the passage and down the stairs.I enter a room filled with equipment.A bed lays in the corner, a pokemon is hooked up to it with electrodes.(And no, not the pokemon kind)A women in a lab coat, stands at the end of the room."Professor, how is the research coming"The Professor turns around to greet me."Good to see you, Ranger Moonlight"Some new equipment lay on the table next to her."Ranger Moonlight, we have produced the next line in Interdimensional gear"A month ago, Interdimensional rifts opened near Lentimas Town.And then, 3 weeks ago, more opened near Black City.And again, 2 weeks ago, near Undella Town."Ranger Moonlight, we have gotten a message from someone in the pokemon transfer lab,that they found a dimensional rift there"Why have they been opening only near here.Lentimas, Black City, Undella, and PTL.I wonder why."We developed a new type of gear to fight back against the rifts""And we want you to use it, Ranger Moonlight"They hook me up with the gear, Its light, strange."The energy pack charges the beam gun, and the Visoscope can allow you to see the dream clouds"My first mission is to take out all the rifts in Lentimas Town.I change into my Ranger clothes and head out.(In the sky)The Unova region looks smaller from up here.Im heading towards Lentimas Town on my Black Kyurem."Kyurem, down there"We fly down towards reversal mountain.I return Kyurem back to its pokeball and head to the top of the mountain."Thank you grapple-hook"The air smells of smoke and fire.Its hard to breathe."Ok, where are the rifts"I turn on the Visoscope, and what im guessing are Dream Clouds, appear.I begin to shoot at the clouds, which split into 4 dream orbs.Shooting those quickly causes 3 to split from the last one.Same for that one.I continue shooting the clouds until the only one left is a dark one.When I shoot that one, A large sphere appears in the sky.It begins zipping around and launching off energy balls.I aim my gun at the sphere and begin firing.The energy pulse grabs the sphere and begins to shrink.I hold the beam on the sphere and it grows smaller and smaller.The sphere disappears and a message appears on my visoscope.Sigilyph Captured."So it was a pokemon"I get back on Kyurem and fly back to the research lab.(Back in Black City)"Mountain""River"I head into the passage, back to the research lab."Mission Complete"End of Chapter

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