Fate's Dimension [Original] Ch.5: Taking The Tip

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I arrive at Jet-Set-Peak, thanks to Purple Heart leading the way.

Neptune drops out of HDD and Nepgear follows.

"So... Where is he?"

Neptune looks around, nothing but rocks, only rocks.

"Not here, he must be further ahead..."

We continue down the path, leaping over gaps in the ground.

Cliffs, ravines, and everything in between. But mostly rocks.

Neptune stops in her tracks, in front of her, was a trail of blood.

We continued down the path, following the trail of blood. Finally arriving at a small cavern in the mountains. Inside, was Dorian. A knife through his shoulder and one through his neck.

His body was covered in cuts. Blood dripped off his fingertips.

I walk up to the lifeless corpse, his hand was cold, which means this happened a while ago.


We quickly turn around to see Dorian, standing behind us.

"Eugh, you think I'd get easier the third time, but nope"

I stare at him, trying to understand what happened.

"How are you alive?"

Dorian looks down at his corpse. "Well... I guess you could say I have the power to cheat death."

You little shit.

Neptune activates HDD and pulls out her sword. "Someone is near..."

We all prepare our weapons, something shines from across the terrain.

A knife flies across the sky, Stabbing Dorian in the heart.

He falls to the ground.. Dead.

Neptune, and Nepgear dodge a barrage of knives that come out of nowhere.

One wizzes past my head, followed by another wave of knives from afar.

Dorian drops out of the sky and lands in front of the wave, blasting the knives with his HyperVolt.

I wonder if he actually knows the impact he's making by continuously coming back from the dead.

"Ah God! That hurts like Hell!"

He takes out a small purple clip and slams it on the top of his HyperVolt.

The HyperVolt changes from Gold and Black to Purple and Silver.

UltraVolt is incrested on the case. He raises the gun towards the source of the knives, and a scope appears. He pulls the trigger, launching off a large beam of electricity.

"Take that! Charged Railgun!" The beam knocks all of the knives back, I rush towards the source of the knives, another wave of knives fly towards me. I swat the knives with the back of my hand, the knives are blown to the side, before disintegrating. Dorian comes running up beside me, and activates HDD. Cyan Heart flies towards the source, shooting Electro Rings to the sides, blocking an oncoming wave of knives. How the hell did he know where the knives were?

He stops suddenly, raising his hand to the sky, Launching off a smite. There's an explosion, the smite didn't even come back down. In the sky, A giant dragon made of knives came crashing down.

On top of that dragon, was a man in all black with a fedora. Hmmm strangely resembles one pokemon YouTuber, but whatever.

The man jumps off the dragon and lands in front of Dorian.

"So, it's good to see you again... Ace" nevermind.

The now identified, Ace, pulls out three knives and holds them between his fingers.

I look at Ace with hatred.
"So, you're the one behind this" Ace smirks and splits into four.

"Let's make this a 'manage a mua'"

Dorian turns to me. "What does that mean?"

I shake my head. "It's French, it means 'my household' but it's awkwardly used....."


All four Aces pull out knives.

"We'd love to chat"

"But you see"

"We're here to Penetrate, Initiate, Survive, and Slay!"

"We'd say 'mutilate' but that wouldn't be quick"

Dorian looks at the four aces. "Doesn't that spell 'PISS'?"

The Aces aim their knives. "And we are glad you got that"

(Play "We are number one, but it's perfect" by TFSGaming)

Dorian blasts an Ace with his HyperVolt, the Ace side stepping out of the way.

Two Aces throw a barrage of knives towards him, Dorian trapping them with an Electro Ring.

The Four Aces dive at him in close range combat. Dorian dodges countless knife jabs.

Dorian summons Electro Rings around his fingertips, snapping them, and making quick arm motions. The four Aces explode into smoke, Dorian is left with sharp electro wires on his fingertips.

(Stop playing)

"They were clones, eh" He backflips into the air, avoiding a line of knives.

Off in the distance, 1000 Aces stood on the mountain.

I step up next to Dorian, The Aces start moving down the mountain.

"Alright, you take the 500 on the left, and I'll take the 500 on the right."

"SCREW YOU I'LL TAKE 501" As much as I want to, I don't think I can let this guy go.

Dorian forms electro rings around the electro wires.

"That's the spirit, charge!"

End of Chapter

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