A Normal F***ing Life For Once [Unfinished]

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What if the OC's from our Saga had... you know. Normal fucking lives!? And weren't hopping into different games and coming up with random bullshit stories!? What if they just lived normally on earth?! Well here's. That story.

(We own everything here. As were only using our OC's and reality)

Chapter 1: Apartment of Madness

(Raideas P.O.V)

The treacherous sounds of the Apple alarm filled my ears. Words cannot describe my hatred for that thing... with a grudge, I took my phone off my nightstand, and shut the alarm off. My name is Raidea Ignus. I'm a 20 Year old male whose main purpose right now is to just get s*** done. In other words, I go to college. "Raidea! You drowned the hedgehog again!" That was my asshole of a roommate, Dorian Moon. "The hell!? I left that in the microwave how did it drown!?" ~ "The OTHER hedgehog..." ~ "Put that one in the freezer!" ~ "And you magically made the freezer spontaneously combust?" ~ "Just get a new one from the bathtub." ~ "I still have no idea how the hell that works... Can't we call a plumber or something?" ~ "What is that going to do? Fish all the hedgehogs out?!" ~ "I was thinking more of...'bomb' the bathroom." ~ "And why would we need a plumber for THAT?!" ~ "Frame the plumber." ~ "...Huh?" ~ "Dodo~do~dodo~do~BOOM!" ~ "Ok you have fun. I need to get going." I grab my sad excuse of a... red? It's all worn out and now it's just a white backpack now... if any of that made any sense. It Didn't. Good. I grab the crippled backpack, and head out the door. F*** narrations. I step out onto the sidewalk, multiple cars driving down the street. I take a few steps... and a loud explosion goes off behind me. "...I leave. For thirty seconds, Dorian... THIRTY. SECONDS." Dorian blew up the house, a stream of hedgehogs begins to fly into the sky, causing hedgehog rain all over town. People getting brutally murdered by the hedgehog quills. "Welp, he's dead... Better go clog up the hedgehog leak..." I pick up a piece of my wall, and walk over to the somehow still intact bathtub. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" I slam the wall onto the bathtub. Killing hundreds of baby hedgehogs. And probably getting me on PETA's watchlist. "...okay...what to do about housing...?" I find a newspaper for someone looking for a roommate in an apartment building. "This definitely is not something people do."

I make it to the apartment building, I make my way up fifteen flights of goddamn stairs! And arrive at room negative forty-seven. Odd number. I open the door, using the knob... you f***ing idiot. Insert joke here. Inside was a girl with white hair, she seemed to have a black and white version of what Nepgear normally wears. "Oh! You came." The floor was wet after my sudden entrance. I knocked over a potted plant that was next to the door, spilling the water on the floor. What did you think I meant you f***ing pervert. "Yeah, lucky that you were looking for a roommate. Since my last roommate blew himself up along with my house." ~ "Who?" ~ "Some @$$hole named Dorian Moon~..." ~ "My brother's dead?!" ~ "Wait, what...? ...Oh...$#!%." I hear a silent click as the door locks behind me. "Why does it feel like I just walked into a trap?" A faint voice can be heard, but only in my mind. Why is that? Well, maybe it's because~... "Raidea..." It's beca~... "Raidea...!" It's... beca~... "Raidea!" ... ... ... It's beca~... "RAIDEA!" ~ "WHAT?!" ~ "*ding* I'm haunting you." 

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