Fate's Dimension [Original] Ch.20: Infiltrating The Airship

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(Last time)

"Oh $#!%!"

(And back to the story)

"Out of all the $#!% I've had to deal with today... And this is what I get?!"

Dorian dodges an arrow and raises his gun towards the two CPUs. The first was in a white cloak. She had short teal hair, and moth styled light-particle wings. The other had violet hair, (the purple kind not the blue...) and butterfly styled light-particle wings. Teal Heart aimed her spring-loaded arm bracer at Dorian, releasing three arrows in his direction. Dorian blocks them with his dagger, just as Violet Heart brought her glaive down onto his head. Dorian blocked the glaive and shot Violet Heart with his gun. Violet Heart bounced back to Teal Heart, who was reloading her spring-loaded arm bracer. "Come at me, Assassin." Dorian motions with his finger, taunting Teal Heart. She released multiple arrows from the spring-loaded arm bracer. Dorian creates a large web of electrowires and electrorings, catching the arrows and throwing them back at Teal and Violet. Violet quickly slashes at the arrows with her glaive, stopping their advance. "Up here." Teal and Violet look up to see Dorian floating with his arm raised. "This one will be fun!" A large ball of electricity was forming in his palm, electrowires and electrorings looping around it. Sparks flew from the ball, shockwaves of pressure shot throughout the area. "It's not as strong as a Deity Thunder, but it'll get the job done." The ball grew three times in size, the rings and wires merging into it. "Have a taste of my 'HyperSmite!'" The ball shot into the sky, creating a massive stormcloud. A tornado formed from the stormcloud, accompanied by a spinning ball of electricity. The tornado bursts, sending shockwaves shooting across the field, followed by a barrage of smite balls dropping from the sky. Upon making contact with the ground, the smite balls exploded into large shockwaves of plasma and electricity. Teal Heart leaped into the air, avoiding the electric meteors, leaving Violet Heart to be struck by multiple smites. Violet Heart dropped to the ground and vanished. Dorian dropped back to the ground and unsheathed his dagger. A blade extends from underneath Teal Heart's arm. They clash in the center, dagger against blade. Dorian pulls out his gun and launches railguns at Teal Heart, but she dodges them with ease. Teal Heart jabs at Dorian a few times, but Dorian blocks them and intercepts with railgun fire. Teal Heart dodges, and rushes at Dorian, but was intercepted when a massive scythe came and struck her, then pulled back by a purple hand. I drop next to Dorian, still in reaper form. "Miss me?" ~ "Nice, now then." Dorian dashes at Teal Heart. And continues their blade fight. I stay in the back, and summon more skulls, to get the deads attention... they have no idea where they are. "WE RIDE!" The ghouls, and crows all start swarming Teal Heart, but I'm more focused as to why the airship is glowing with a silver light? I start paying attention, because I was shot in the side with an arrow. Knocking me out of Reaper form, and back into C.O.A, "You f*kin want mai?" I summon 9 skulls, and aim them all towards the sky. I raise one arm up with them, a red ball of fire appearing. Red beams of light being sucked into it, I split the ball into 9, and they all shoot into the mouth of the skulls. The skulls then no longer able to contain the white flame in their mouths. They shoot into the sky, all of the flames colliding. "Im done with you. SKYLIGHT FIRE!" The skulls, disintegrate, and the fire, shot down to the ground, lighting everything in a 2-mile radius on fire. Like 10000000° HOT. "Raidea! Stop! You're killing her...! I wanted to do that!" Somehow everything remained intact, but Teal Heart was burned to ash. I hop on the hydra, which still managed to stay active. "Come on, we'll need something to break through the wall.. R.I.P SpaceCraft wall." ~ "Did you try using the door?" ~ "F*CK DOORS!". I take off towards the spacecraft, "I HOPE YOU HAVE INSURANCE!" Leaving Dorian behind and arriving at the door. The Hydra raises its heads to the door, charging up a fire balls. Dorian walks over and kicks open the door. "Hey look, it's unlo~..." The Hydra fires at the wall, completely destroying it, and launching Dorian through the ship. All I can hear now, is the amazingness of yelling... "Aaaaaaaaaagh!!! $#!%!" Dorian flies through multiple walls. "Dammit! Ow! Dammit! Ow! Dammit! Ow!" A loud explosion echoes throughout the spacecraft. "DAMMIT! ALL OF THE TOES!!!" I'm surprised the spacecraft hasn't gone kablooey yet... what the f*ck did I just say?" Um... Nothing... (Insert clip of Author # the first slamming head against table...) I walk in and Deathgrip Dorian back out here. "Stop Sans-ing me!" ~ "Actually I'm Death-ing you. Man, watch more Darksiders in your daily dinner of cereal." ~ "The hell's a Darksider?!" ~ "$#!%, I'VE SAID TO MUCH! FORGET YOU SAW ANYTHING!" ~ "You didn't show me anyth...!" The Hydra picks up the wall and slaps Dorian with it. "Gah! That's smarts!" We here at TheIdiotFoundation do not condone domestic violence. We do, however, find it hilarious.

(One hour of Mental Trauma later... and being thrown off a cliff...)

"Hey Raidea... I think you should see this..." A large locked vault stood in front of us. "Welp this is a thing. How does one get this open?" ~ "I think it has something to do with this lock combination..." ~ "Intersting, how is we going to be find lock code?" ~ "Got it!" The vault unlocks. "Huh... Who would've thought that the combination was 'combination...'" Dorian kicks open the vault door. "I've come to kick ass and chew gum, and I'm all out of gum!" ~ "HEY YOU DID IT!" ~ "Ho~... ly~... $#!%!" Inside was a large room, filled with people. They were all wearing white robe-like clothes, sorta like what you'd wear in a hospital. They all seem to be test subjects. "What the hell is this place?" A bright light shines over everyone, multiple CPU Memories, dropping from above. The test subjects grabbed the CPU Memories, and the room was filled with a massive flash of light.

End of Chapter

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