Re;birth Apocalypse [Original] Ch. 5: The Anti CPU

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"What are we going to do with him?" ~ "What are you talking about, Noire? We're going to help him." ~ "You saw what happened, we can't trust him!" ~ "Listen to me, we'll find a way..."

I wake up in a hospital bed. I assume I'm in Lastation, because of the black wallpaper. The sound of the machine beeping filled my ears. The TV, on the wall, was turned on. The reporter said that two individuals broke in to the Lastation Basilicom, one of them tried to attack Noire. I guess our raid is on the news. The door opens, and Neptune and Noire enter. "Hiya Dorian, you seem... well...." My arms, left leg, and right foot are in a cast, and I had broken my jaw and a few ribs. Noire puts a hand on Neptune's shoulder. "We should let him rest." Due to the broken jaw, I was unable to speak, and my hearing and sight were slightly damaged, so all I could do was sit quietly and wait. Neptune reaches into her hoodie and pulls out a dagger. "Here, I found this in the rubble of the Basilicom." She sets it on the table beside me. Noire steps out into the hall. Neptune watches until she leaves and turns back to me. "Alright, she's gone..." Neptune picks up the dagger and stabs it into my chest. Dark aura flows through my body, and all of my bones reshape. I sit up and take off the casts. "Ah, thanks. It's really uncomfortable to be stuck in constraints for hours on end... Speaking of which, how long was I out for?" Neptune puts on her 'Nepu' face. "You've been out for 3,000 years." ~ "So, three days... Wonderful." I slip my dagger into my pocket, and we exit the hospital.


"Mmmm heh heh."

In a dark room, someone in flamboyant armor watched Noire from hidden cameras.

(Insert random subtitles)

I block Purple Heart's sword swing with my bonerod. "Getting tired yet?" ~ "Nowhere near!" I push Purple Heart back and create a small gust of wind around my feet, propelling me forwards. I bring down my bonerod onto her head, but she blocks my attack with her sword. Purple Heart unleashes a 6-string combo, which I barely manage to escape. I swing my bonerod and create a small sharp gust of wind that revolves around my bonerod. The gust gets faster and faster, turning my bonerod into a weightless chainsaw. I dash towards Purple Heart and swing across, which she jumps over and hits me with a Critical Edge. I'm blown backwards, the wind from my bonerod chainsaw dispersing. I stand up, and stumble. "Heh... heh... That was pretty good. But, let's see how you handle this." I raise my bonerod to the air and start spinning it around my fingertips, like a drum stick. A large gust of wind explodes from the bonerod, creating a tornado. Purple Heart raises her sword, and I hurl the tornado towards her. Purple Heart effortlessly moves three centimeters to the side, as the tornado passes. We both watch with a deadpanned expression, as the tornado tears up the forest behind us. "..." ~ "..." Purple Heart turns to me. "So, how 'bout we try it again?" I look back to her and nod. I summon my sharicite and activate HDD. Again, the form from before is the result. I clench my fists. My voice seems to be demonic... "I have control this time?!" Purple Heart fistpumps. "Alright, now, how 'bout we get back to our battle?" I nod and summon my bone scythe. I charge towards Purple Heart, and bring my scythe down above her. She blocks it with her sword and spin-kicks me away. I catch myself and dig my feet into the ground, stopping me in place. I raise my scythe to the air, and a ball of dark energy appears. I channel my energy into the ball, making it grow bigger. Suddenly, my body goes numb. I lose my hearing and I'm unable to speak. The ball grows bigger, splitting into three. My body moves on its own, and launches the balls, which freeze in mid-air. Some of them collide with trees or ruins. The air contorts around the balls, as everything around them gets sucked in. Purple Heart started to float off the ground, being sucked towards one of the black holes. I tried to reach out to her, I tried to call for her, but I couldn't do anything. I had lost all control. A blade flies across the field and strikes me in the chest. My ears popped and I gasped for air. The black holes disappeared, and I dropped out of that form. Purple Heart landed on the ground and looked over to who threw the blade. The blade is removed from my chest, and Black Heart looked down to me. "Why did you use it again?!" I stab my dagger into my chest, healing the wound. "We were trying to gain control of its power." Purple Heart nods in agreement. "Noire, you really shouldn't worry that much. He actually had control over it at first." Black Heart sighs. "Fine, but if you're going to use that form again, contact me first... Don't get me wrong, I'll only come in case you lose control again." Purple Heart and Black Heart drop out of HDD. Noire helps me up. "So, find anything useful?" I nod. "One thing. That when using that form, I only lose control when I exert too much energy." Neptune goes "Ooh" and claps like I had won the Noble Prize. "Neptune, I think it's a lost cause to be admiring me right now..." Noire clears her throat. "A-Anyways, I think we should head back to the Basilic~..." Noire stops mid-sentence and falls to the ground, a tranquilizer in her neck. Two more strike Neptune and I, and we're out. As I slowly fall asleep, I see the area around us pixelating.

End of Chapter

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