Re;birth Elementals Chapter One: When Two Worlds Collide

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Sparks fly from the Hraesvelgr as it falls to the ground, the wings having been clipped by a sharp sword, the victor standing just a few feet away from it. "That's all?" The person wore a black and white hoodie with golden highlights, a black shirt underneath. The person had purple and white hair, each an even amount of streaks. The kid looked to be around twelve, maybe thirteen, their eyes were two different shades. The left eye was a deep purple, and the right was a bright blue, both had a cold glare to them. The kid pulls out a device, an IPod Touch with a gold case, as they answered the call that had appeared on it. A quiet and stern voice came from the device, "Neo? Good, I got in touch." Neo looks down to the device and sighs. "What is it Histoire?" ~ "I felt a strange aura, not too long ago, and the dimensional coordinates started to shift. I believe there may be something here that is causing this." ~ "And why are you calling me?" ~ "I actually sent Neptune and Nepgear out...but..." ~ "Listen, I don't have time to deal with those two's screw ups--..." ~ "Actually... They haven't returned. They haven't even contacted me. I believe something terrible must've happened." ~ "...And?" ~ "And...I want you to investigate it. Do it for your mother." The call cuts off there, Neo looking down at the device and sighing. "Goddess dammit..." Neo puts the device away and heads off deeper into the forest.


In a dark alleyway, between two tall buildings, a fight erupted. A blade shot through the darkness towards the teen, just barely missing his head. Gray magic encircles his hands as the kid punches the thug in the gut, knocking him off of his feet and sending him sailing into the wall, breaking straight through the bricks and out through the back of the building. The other thug standing there thought about his life choices for a second and then booked it out of the alleyway, dropping his sword in the process. The kid walks through the hole in the wall and into a house, a terrified citizen sitting on a couch stared him down as he passed. The kid waves to the citizen as he passes. "Sup." He said and leaped at the thug. The thug barely manages to roll away as Kenton's fist smashes into the rubble. The thug staggers over to the frightened citizen and grabs him, holding a knife to his neck. Kenton stops mid stride and smiles. Out of the other wall, a woman comes smashing through, taking down the thug. The knife flies out of the thug's hand and Kenton catches it. "You got the other one?" She asked, Kenton shaking his head. "Nope, he decided that his friend could deal with me on his own." ~ "I have a mission for you." ~ "Oh?" ~ "There are these multi-dimensional portals opening all over the place." ~ "Like what happened with the planet of portal?" ~ "Yes, but this time I have a feeling that someone is causing this, but I'm busy with...something I'm sending you to go figure it out." ~ "So, what do I do?" ~ "Investigate. Figure out where the portals lead before we do anything drastic." ~ "I'm putting it on my schedule, Master."

(Location Update: Virtua Forest)

Neo places their hand on a tree, their hand going through it slightly. "This must be what Histoire was talking about..." The tree had a long crack going through it, the other side was hard to see, but there was a glimpse of light. Neo takes a step back and pulls out their iPod Touch, pressing a button. "Histoire, I found it." ~ "Good work, Neo." ~ "Can I go home now?" ~ "Not now, you need to figure out what happened to Neptune and Nepgear." Just then, the crack opened wider as a person fell through and onto the ground. "Histoire... I'll call you back." Neo hung up and slowly approached the teen. "Ah, heck, she told me not to do anything like this." The teen said, turning around. Neo stares at the teen. "What the hell just happened...?" Kenton steps toward the same tree and rebounds off solid bark, realizing that the portal had closed behind him after he had gone through the first time. Neo backflips away from Kenton, landing on their feet with one hand on the ground and the other holding their IPod Touch. "Execute Cyber.EXE!" The IPod Touch vanishes from their hand as they jump into the air, a golden suit generating behind them as it opens up and clamps onto Neo. The suit falls to the ground in a sitting position and falls limp. Kenton gives it a funny look and then starts to approach it slowly, suddenly feeling a static shock touch him. The suit's golden armor grew brighter, shining like a crystal in the moonlight, as the suit slowly rose into the air. Sparks of electricity generated around the suit as cracks in the suit lit up, the visor turning silver. The suit flicked its wrist as a giant sword appeared in its hand, the sword started generating electricity as the suit flew around the area in circles. Magic encircles Kenton's hand yet again as he prepares for an attack. The suit dove down towards Kenton and slashes forwards, Kenton raises his hand and grabs the sword. "I don't want to hurt you!" ~ "Then stop moving!" The suit grabs Kenton by the wrists and flies into the air, sparks of electricity generating around the suit as it flew higher. It threw Kenton up into the air as it raised its sword, diving towards the now falling Kenton, and slashed down with the blade. "Grand Divide!" The suit slashed down towards Kenton, a large blast of electricity flying straight towards him as the suit followed behind. Kenton straightens out and ducks back as the beam shoots past his head, as he finishes his flip and boosts towards the suit, energy bursting from his feet. The suit swung the sword down, just as Kenton ducks back and kicks his feet at the suit, a blast of energy launching the suit back a bit. The suit straightens out and vanishes from sight, Kenton looks around wildly and lands on the ground in a clearing. A tree lights on fire and burns apart the leaves, leaving it a charred rod. Another tree lights on fire, followed by another, and another. Soon, all the trees near Kenton had been turned into charred lightning rods. Kenton hits the ground, causing debris and dust to fly up into the air, obscuring anyone's vision. "Time for a jump!" He said, flipping backwards a minute into the past, right when Neo flies backwards from Kenton's blast. The suit straightens out and Kenton watches and listens closely as the suit goes invisible. A slight crackle is heard from the suit, as it vanishes. A tree catches on fire, burning down to the shape of a rod. "Ahh. I see." He says, smashing down again, creating dust and debris. Several trees light on fire, creating more lightning rods as slight crackles are heard. Kenton looks very closely near where the trees burn down and finds the spot with no debris. Kenton runs towards the empty space as another tree burns down. The lightning rod trees suddenly burst apart in a fiery explosion as sparks of electricity shoot across the ground and in the air. Kenton quickly jumps five minutes back in time, just as Neo backflips away and pulls out the IPod Touch. "Execu--...!" Kenton smashes the ground a third time, sending debris and dust flying into the air, Neo covering their eyes from the dust, as a surge of electricity bursts around them, clearing the dust. "What the he--...!" ~ "CALM THE HELL DOWN! I don't think we should be enemies since I didn't create the portals, and from what I heard, you think I am the one doing this." Neo looks at their IPod Touch and sighs. "Wrong guy." Neo looks towards Kenton, before vanishing. "Wait, what am I supposed to do...?" He says to no response. He sighs, flying upwards and looking around. At the end of the forest, a large city stood, it almost looked futuristic. There were high skyscrapers with several tubes running throughout the city. At the center of the city stood a large tower, that reached as high as the clouds. "I guess that place is as good as any." He said, flying off towards the city.

End of Chapter

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