Illegal Games Chapter One: Everything Goes Downhill, Fast...

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We step inside the massive stadium, bleachers surround the inner wall, but no one is in them.

"I feel sorta ripped off by this..." A monitor in the center of the stadium turns on.

"Welcome everybody! I am so happy to see you all!"

Noire gasps and points at the monitor. "Y-you!"

Yep, on the monitor, is the most flamboyant person you will ever meet, Gay ro..... I mean, Anonydeath... Yeah. "Oh, you remember me, Noire. I'm so flattered."

I turn away from the screen. "Starting to miss Markiplier..."

Anonydeath continues his rant, eventually finally getting to what we came here for...

"I'm the main programmer of the Illegal Games, and you're all here to test it."

Immediately, the floor disappears, and we're dropped onto a mountain.

Blanc looks around. "I know this mountain, this is the Lowee Precipice."

A hologram of Anonydeath appears behind us. "Exactly! The first Illegal Game is... Illegal Skiing!" Suddenly, boards appear under our feet. "Although, some people get snowboards for this, others get skis. Kinda half and half." I look down, it seems like I was one of the lucky ones to get a board. Pixels appear in front of me. It contorts into the shape of a gun. I grab the handle and the pixels set, I'm now holding my HyperVolt. "What?" I look around, Draq has his scythe, Griffal has his rapier-claws, GLS' powers activates, F-Bomb pulls out sticks of dynamite. Neptune, and the other goddesses also have their weapons. We're immediately pushed off the side of the mountain and down the hill. "$#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!" I catch my balance and steer myself out of the way of trees and rocks. The air around me suddenly gets warm, I duck down as a fiery scythe swings over me.

I stand up and look back, to see Draq catching up on me. I aim my HyperVolt at his skis and pull the trigger. Unloading a magazine into his skis, Draq loses his balance and crashes into a tree.

I turn back and continue down the hill. Griffal steers out of the way of F-Bomb's planted dynamite, catching up to him, and slashing him across the back. F-Bomb contorts and disappears.

I swerve out of the path of a landmine field of rocks. "Damn." I use a rock as a ramp and launch myself into the air, just as a massive spike of water strikes the ground where I was just on.

GLS comes into view and aims his left arm at me, launching off a rock fist at me. I tuck my legs and land on the rock, riding down and blasting GLS with my HyperVolt. GLS slips off the mountain, and disappears. An explosion a little ways behind me signals that Blanc just blew up Vert and herself in the process. Noire leaps off a rock and lands in front of me. "Not today!"

I aim my HyperVolt at a mass of rocks in the distance and switch it out for the ZeroVolt.

I launch off multiple missiles, blowing apart the rocks. Noire swerves around, trying to dodge the mass of rocks flying at her. I swap out for the UltraVolt and blast her in the head. She contorts and disappears. I turn around and snipe Neptune with my UltraVolt. She also disappears.

"Alright, now I just have..." A sharp claw rips through my right arm. I drop my UltraVolt and it falls off the mountain. "Dammit!" I turn back and see Griffal catching up to me. He rides up right beside me and I duck as he jabs his claw out in an attempt to stab me. I reach into my pocket and pull out my dagger, slashing off Griffal's claw. I kick him off his board, and he tumbles off the mountain edge. "Alright, I think that was the last one." Suddenly, I get a chill. It's not the 'It's cold because there's snow on this mountain.' It's the 'Oh $#!%, Dominatrix Sadist!' chill.

A crimson whip snaps above my head. I turn around and see Iris Heart behind me. "Get back here!" I push forwards, heading faster down the hill. Iris Heart follows behind. I duck multiple whip attacks, speeding faster down the hill. "You've got to be kidding me!"

At the bottom of the mountain, was a giant ravine. I bend my knees, readying my dagger. Iris Heart slowly getting closer to me. I reach the edge of the mountain, activating HyperSpeed, and launching myself over the ravine. HyperSpeed immediately ends and I crash onto the ground.

"Damn." I look back, to see Iris Heart fall into the ravine. I get back on my board and continue the trek down.

I finally make it to the finish line. As the area pixelates, and we're all back in the original room.

Anonydeath was clapping. "Very good, Dorian. You seem to have won this round."

I was out of breath, That last one took everything out of me. "Ok" I look back up to the monitor, with fire in my eyes. "What's next?"

End of Chapter

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